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Tvåbäddsrum C
Bodde på feb. 2024
7 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 21 mars 2024
The hotel staff very helpful and treated us well. The dinner is very good. Although they can't really speak English but tried their best to understand what we want
Definitely will recommend this place to friends
遇見暖暖,學到了法語auberge,解開了一個心結。無數次來日本,依然不明白該如何稱呼一眾餐食卓越的小旅館,hotel肯定不對,inn似乎檔次低了些,boutique沒涵蓋餐的精華,總是詞窮,難以達意。還是法國人會玩,據説為了追求美食而附帶住宿的旅遊方式100年前就已經開始了,日本的auberge於泡沫經濟時期起步,一發而不可收,如今,奢華的住必定得有奢華餐的陪襯,否則,如何盡興?這家酒店的裝修完全不是我喜歡的風格,東西塞得太滿,沒有章法,令人窒息。我甚至認定,老闆本人按照自己的喜好設計了一切,比如大堂有一個角落據説是他爺爺老家的樣子,有的地方會有一點奇思,比如把木頭鑽幾個洞,讓燈光從裏面照出來,照的透亮。這樣的設計,自我欣賞沒問題,放在公共場合,也就一般般。裏裡外外逛來逛去,我實在想不明白,這老闆什麼來頭,擺賣的東西從瓷器,木器,到犯人做的案板,還有很多看不懂的,無所不包,完全沒有思路。員工説,老闆主營業務是建橋,其他都是興趣,包括這家auberge,看見喜歡的就拿來放在這裏展示出售。一經點播,看出點端倪,圖二客房走廊的模板是網走的招牌旅遊景點——監獄博物館,讓客人住監獄,好傢伙,有錢可真任性啊。賣犯人生產的東西是為了募集資金幫助他們以後更順暢地重返社會。一位年輕員工走起路來,稍微有點跛,以往在這種檔次的auberge從未見過,暖暖的熱流從心裏流過,任性的老闆應該也是一位善良的老闆,人生過得恣意的老闆。敢叫auberge,來的客人對餐肯定有不低的期待,吃完兩餐,我的評價是贏在好食材好食材還是好食材。前台説廚師來自當地而已,不是啥名廚,但從餐廳一眼望出去,網走湖,草地,花園,依次排開,海鮮,牛奶,蔬果,都是from farm to table的距離,這樣的食材簡單烹調,便是人間至味,何須虛張聲勢的大動幹戈?為啥叫北之暖暖?原來酒店坐落於層層疊疊的花園之中,這是一個在當地還有點名氣的觀光點,在日本的大眾點評Jalan net上得分為4.9,滿分是五分。交通也很方便,從網走Jr站打車,起步價即到。路過,請別錯過,人生太短,千萬要盡歡。
The name should give it away, a French auberge fused with a traditional Japanese ryokan that provides the warm hospitality of the north. Located part way up a hillside behind Abashiri with nice view over a farm and lake. Steep uphill walk to museums for sea ice and northern peoples’ museums, downhill to the prison museum (aka the Alcatraz of Japan). The inn is eclectically decorated with art and historic international cultural references. It has multiple public onsen baths. The food is fantastic! Multi course French style dinners all sourced from local ingredients, served while seated in a room with a view. Breakfasts was Japanese style, delicious. Our room (oichimonji) was spacious western style and included wet room with big tub and view.