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Siew Kee Loh
Exekutivt rum (rökfritt)
Bodde på apr. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 22 apr. 2024
The hotel location is great . Just minutues away from the Bus station to take us to Anshun waterfall site, where we spend a great day. However, I had feedback to the hotel that the hotel should at least have a power socket adaptor for International travellers . My laptop which had a UK power cord cannot be plugged into any socket to charge my laptop ! It is not a hotel for the local , but an international hotel .
Svar från boendet: Hello,Thank you for choosing our hotel and for taking the time to share your feedback. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed the great location of our hotel and had a wonderful day at Anshun waterfall site.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you experienced with the power socket adaptor. We understand the importance of providing international travelers with the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we will definitely take this into consideration to improve our services for our international guests.In the future, please do not hesitate to contact our front desk staff for any assistance or if you require a power socket adaptor. We are always here to help make your stay as pleasant as possible.Once again, thank you for your feedback, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back to our hotel in the future.Warm regards,Hotel Customer Service
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kumar anubhav
Gästrum (Dubbelsäng)
Bodde på juni 2023
5 recension
Publicerades 15 juni 2023
Excellent Service, Perfect location , extra ordinary facilities in the room.
Svar från boendet: May all the goodness come unexpectedly. Thank you for your affirmation and love of Shengfeng Hotel. Our ultimate goal has always been to pay attention to the feelings of customers and provide ultimate service. Our unique "butler service" starts from every detail. Thank you again for giving Shengfeng this full love. We look forward to meeting you again at Shengfeng Hotel!
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Sven 斯文
Bodde på aug. 2022
10 recension
Publicerades 5 sep. 2022
Nice hotel, spacious room, nice shower, clean and good service. I wasn't very impressed with the breakfast, but good value for money
Svar från boendet: Thank you for choosing to stay in Shengfeng Hotel,, and for taking the precious time to share your pleasant stay experience with us. At the same time, thank you for your recognition and support to the hotel. Your satisfaction is the best affirmation of our work. We have been unremitting in improving the quality of service. We will, as always, give back your support with a professional attitude and enthusiastic service. For the breakfast questions you raised, we will also give feedback and improve them. We hope we can serve you again. At that time, we will show you the quality service of the hotel with practical actions. We hope you can witness our progress. I wish you a happy life and look forward to your coming again!
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Tvåbäddsrum Boutique
Bodde på jan. 2023
16 recension
Publicerades 27 mars 2023
very good
Svar från boendet: 您的讚譽就是春天裡煦暖的陽光,温暖又晴朗。很開心與您邂逅在聖豐。貴州職工之家(安順聖豐酒店)酒店按五星級標準設計,秉承王若飛“一切要為人民打算”的精神,勵志打造五星級服務,大眾化消費;酒店集療休養基地、培訓中心、宴會中心、會議中心、旅遊中心、購物中心、紅色文化中心於一體,為廣大職工、客户提供住宿、餐飲、療養、培訓、休閑、旅遊需求一站式服務。以最優質的服務與頂級的設備為您帶來賓至如歸的入住體驗是我們的承諾。期待您的下次光臨,祝您和您的家人幸福美滿!
Svar från boendet: 親,您好!感謝您選擇併入住我們酒店,聖豐在這裏對您給的好評表示感謝,同時也很遺憾沒能得到您的五星好評;我們也在反思有哪些地方還有待改進,也正是因為我們抱着這種不斷思索、反思的態度,認真誠懇得對待每一位客人,我們才得以成長!我們期待您的再次光臨,希望用我們的努力把您的四分變成五分,給您帶來最好的入住體驗!
Svar från boendet: 【賓至如歸】【服務周到】【交通方便】尊敬的客人,看到您的好評我們深感榮幸!酒店位置便利,能讓您輕鬆前往火車站、小吃街,附近公交站也為您的出行助力,這都是我們為您精心準備的出行優勢。小諸和小塗的熱情服務是我們一直追求的品質,他們耐心解答問題,展現出了極高的職業素養。早餐能得到您的認可我們也很開心,煮米粉的服務員也會因您的稱讚而倍感温暖。我們期待再次為您服務,為您打造更完美的入住體驗。
Rum Boutique Queen
Bodde på feb. 2025
4 recension
Publicerades 22 feb. 2025
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好!感謝您的光臨,同時也真誠感謝您對我們的喜愛和認可,您記住了在這裏的美好時光讓我們心裏很感動,讓賓客享有美好入住體驗是我們義不容辭的責任,能得到您的讚許我們深感榮幸,同時我們也更有動力繼續前行,希望能有更多為您服務的機會!
Gästrum (Dubbelsäng)
Bodde på feb. 2025
2 recension
Publicerades 7 feb. 2025
Svar från boendet: 您的誇獎和好評將會是小夥伴們繼續加油進步的動力哦。我們會繼續努力的,希望給您的每次入住都帶來美好的體驗哦。
Svar från boendet: 【賓至如歸】【服務周到】尊敬的賓客您好:感謝您對我們的肯定,為了給您提供更加細緻周到的服務體驗,我們新推出蝸睡系統服務,很多生活必需品、消費品及酒店點餐都是可以通過手機掃碼提交在最快的時間內送達您的房間內,讓追求卓越的您即使在旅途中也會有如在家般的舒適與便捷。滿意衹有起點、沒有終點,我們會用真心、誠心、用心、愛心期待您的下次光臨。祝您天天好心情!