17 juni 2023
MY WORST HOTEL EXPERIENCE EVER! After checking into La Diva Hotel located in NTA Asaba sometime in April, I went out to eat. Upon my return around 8pm the door to my room was jammed & I cldn't get in. I complained at the reception desk & they came & tried to open the door, but they too cldn't. So they begged me to wait in another room while they get a technician to pry d door open, but after waiting nearly 2 hours I went back to the reception only to discover that nobody was coming to open my room. They said that the technician had closed & wld not be coming till the next day & that I shld be comfortable in the room they offered my. I was flabbergasted. I told them I never agreed to move to another room without my personal effects & to take emergency measures to open the room since my phones, soap other bathroom stuff, laptop, book I was reading & medicine I needed to take were locked up in the room, but they refused and told me they were ensuring the room door wasn't damaged. I nearly went mad, & I complained loudly only for the manager to awake & tell me to behave myself because I was disturbing other guests. This further enraged me, so around 11pm, after 3 hours of this nightmare I charged up to my room door & gave it a firm shoulder-push & the door flew open. I went in, locked the door & took my medicines, checked my phones, returned the calls I cld, but was too angry to continue any work on the computer. While I was doing this the hotel staff repeatedly banged on the door but I just ignored them. In the morning the manager and staff blocked me from leaving, until I repaired the door. But I asked them one question "Did anyone check to see if the door was broken?" That was when someone was sent upstairs to check. He returned to inform the manager that nothing was damaged. I was nearly in tears at the humiliation. I reminded the manager that they were supposed to damage the door if that was what it took to give me access to my personal property in the room I paid for but instead of an apology he told me I was lucky I didn't damage the door otherwise he would have dealt with me. A GOOD HOTEL WOULD HAVE DAMAGED THE DOOR TO GIVE A GUEST ACCESS TO THEIR MEDICINE & PHONE IN A ROOM THEY PAID N25K FOR. THIS WAS BY FAR MY WORST HOTEL EXPERIENCE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. AVOID THIS HOTEL.