22 juni 2022
The owner of the lodging house was very accommodating. They didn't take advantage of their guess instead offered/suggested something for a better option. In general, the people of Baler were not opportunists. The money I spent was fair enough, but for those who want a more relaxing venue, spend a little bit more to get a beachfront venue. I also noticed that all of the tourist spots that I visited were lack of cleanliness. I think the local government should do something about this. Maybe it is fair enough if the local government will collect an environmental fee for each guess of 50 pesos and this will cover all the tourist spots of Baler (including Ermita Hill and others that have entrance fees). This fund will be used for the maintenance, materials, and salary of the cleaner. Set aside corruption for the betterment of Baler. I just want to add, that the entrance fee for the Museum is too high.