In Guantouling National Forest Park, Seaview Avenue, Yinhai District, Beihai, Guangxi, ChinaVisa hotellinformation
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Deluxe Family Room,2 Double, Bunk Beds
Bodde på aug. 2024
5 recension
Publicerades 7 aug. 2024
Svar från boendet: 酒店所有客房均配有落地窗和陽台,可盡覽遼闊海景或靜謐園景。尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您入住北海喜來登度假酒店,作為北海喜來登度假酒店的一員,我們很榮幸在您入住期間酒店給您留下了美好的回憶,並得到您對酒店的認可。酒店自然木色調設計盡顯高雅品味與精緻格調,締造優雅舒適的下榻體驗,期待與您的再次相見!
Ocean View Premier Room With 1 King
Bodde på juli 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 9 juli 2024
Overall fantastic! However the site is a little far from everything else besides the beach, pillow and blanket had stains on them which was not a good experience.
Svar från boendet: Sheraton Beihai Resort is located in Guantouling National Forest Park, living by the mountain and the sea, with open sea-view terrace rooms offering a full view of the sea and the sky. The beach is a 5-minute walk from the hotel, and the neighbourhood boasts Zixia Bay, Haiku Shilan, and other excellent places to enjoy sunset spots, and it takes about 30 minutes by car to reach Silver Beach, Qiaogang, Mangrove Wetland Park, and many other attractions.We apologise for the odour of the pillows and blanket. As the hotel bedding is made of down, we can also provide silk comforters for you to choose from. We will also carry out more detailed inspections and training to improve the comfort of our guests. If you encounter any problems during your stay, you can call the hotel switchboard number or dial "0" in the room to contact the hotel guest service centre, we will be happy to serve you. Once again, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope that we will have the opportunity to provide you with quality and satisfactory service again. We wish you a happy life!
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Traveler from Germany
Havsutsikt Deluxe rum med 1 King Size-säng
Bodde på feb. 2024
14 recension
Publicerades 3 feb. 2024
Had a really mixed stay at this Hotel. Only booked one night, with the option of extending, but decided against.
My wife and I came on separated flight, with mine delayed over 5 hours. I arrived at 02:00 past midnight to check-in. First they the reception told me I’m in the wrong hotel. I had to proof my booking with them and the fact that my wife is already in the room. After some discussion they refused to check me in, but told me to call my wife to let me into the room. First, not checking in and registering a foreigner is against the law. Second, why should I wake up my sleeping wife at this late hours? After insisting on being checked in the process went fast and smoothly, which makes me wonder, why the discussions first?
Room was spacious and clean. Nice view over the ocean.
At the breakfast buffet we were greeted by hordes of waiters watching over a half empty buffet, at 09:30. Nearly no western food options and no cold cuts. After asking I was treated to a plate of two pieces of Camembert, hard cheese and some kind of milk cheese. Not the standard for a Sheraton breakfast.
That’s also my final verdict. For this price and being a Sheraton Resort, it’s not up to the standards one would expect from a place with this name.
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Svar från boendet: Dear Sir, thank you for your valuable feedback on Sheraton Beihai Resort. We sincerely apologize for the mixed experience you encountered during your stay, and we greatly appreciate your comments as they help us to improve our services.First and foremost, we are deeply sorry for the confusion and misinformation you received at the reception upon your late-night arrival. We understand the inconvenience it caused, and we will thoroughly review our staff training procedures to ensure such incidents are avoided in the future.We understand your concerns about the late check-in process and the request to wake up your sleeping wife. It is our responsibility to provide a smooth and hassle-free check-in experience, regardless of the time. We will carefully analyze our check-in procedures and make the necessary adjustments to offer convenience and comfort to all our guests.Moreover, we sincerely apologize for the disappointments you faced during breakfast. We regret that the options for Western cuisine and cold cuts fell short of your expectations. Your comments have been duly noted, and we will diligently work on enhancing our breakfast menu to cater to various tastes and preferences.Lastly, we appreciate your positive feedback regarding our spacious and clean rooms with a beautiful ocean view. We are committed to maintaining the high standards that our guests expect and providing an enjoyable stay.Thank you once again for sharing your feedback. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we sincerely hope to have the opportunity to regain your trust and provide you with an exceptional experience in the future.
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Havsutsikt Deluxe rum med 1 King Size-säng
Bodde på maj 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 18 maj 2024
Excellent in all aspects.
Svar från boendet: Thank you so much for your review of our hotel. We are honored to bring you with good memory during your stay. We believe that your recognition will be the driving force for our continuous progress. Sincerely look forward to your next visit, we will continue to provide you with high quality services!
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Studio Ocean Suite, 1King
Bodde på jan. 2025
7 recension
Publicerades 3 jan. 2025
Very good
Deluxe Garden Room,2 Doubles
Bodde på aug. 2023
Res med vänner
22 recension
Publicerades 28 aug. 2023
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您在眾多酒店之中選擇北海喜來登度假酒店與我們分享您的入住體驗,很榮幸收到您的肯定,同時感謝您對酒店的認可,我們將不斷堅持做的更好!願喜來登能給您的旅程增添一抹光彩,祝您生活愉快!
Svar från boendet: 酒店坐落於冠頭嶺國家森林公園內,周邊綠樹環繞,鳥語花香,且坐擁北部灣海景,依山傍海,可賞海天一線日落美景。尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您選擇入住北海喜來登度假酒店,並留下您寶貴的入住體驗反饋。很開心您能與我們分享如此美麗的旅途照片,相信這份美好一定會珍藏在你我的回憶之中。我們很高興您對我們的設施、環境和服務表示滿意。同時,也特別感謝您對Diana以及賓客服務中心團隊的認可與讚賞,我們會轉達您的表揚給到每一位同事,鼓勵大家繼續為客人提供優質的服務。對您提到的餐飲方面,我們將努力提升餐飲質量,確保每位賓客都能享受到美味佳餚。再次真誠地感謝您的入住分享,您的反饋對我們非常重要,我們將以此為契機不斷改善服務,為每一位賓客打造更好的入住體驗。祝您生活愉快!
Svar från boendet: 酒店坐落於北海冠頭嶺,毗鄰海灘,得天獨厚的地理位置為客人提供了絕佳的海景視野和便捷的海濱體驗。尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對北海喜來登酒店的詳細點評和高度評價!我們非常高興得知您在酒店的入住體驗如此愉快,並對我們的地理位置、設施和服務感到滿意。我們也很高興您喜歡我們寬敞明亮、設計現代的客房,以及舒適的床品和一流的衞生條件。您的認可是對我們團隊努力的最大肯定。此外,我們非常榮幸您對酒店的餐飲選擇和服務團隊給予了高度評價。我們始終致力於為客人提供多樣化的美食選擇和熱情周到的服務,力求讓每一位客人都能感受到賓至如歸的温暖。您的推薦對我們來説意義重大,我們將繼續努力,為每一位客人提供更加優質的入住體驗。再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,祝您生活愉快,期待與您再次相遇!
Svar från boendet: 酒店面朝大海,背靠青山。尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您選擇入住喜來登度假酒店,並抽出寶貴時間分享您的入住體驗。我們非常高興得知您對酒店的位置、房間設施以及員工服務感到滿意。面朝大海、背靠青山的環境是我們引以為傲的特色,而您對前台同事、早餐大廚Rain以及Coco小姐姐的表揚,更是讓我們倍感欣慰。您的認可是對我們團隊最大的鼓勵,也是我們不斷追求卓越服務的動力。我們始終致力於為每一位客人提供温馨、舒適的入住體驗,並將企業文化融入每一位員工的服務細節中。您的滿意是我們最大的成就,期待在不久的將來再次歡迎您光臨酒店,我們將繼續為您提供優質的服務和難忘的體驗!祝您生活愉快,期待與您再次相遇!
Svar från boendet: 酒店依山伴海,周邊環境十分宜人,遠離了人潮的喧囂與嘈雜。尊敬的客人,非常感謝您選擇在北海喜來登度假酒店度過這段美好的時光,並分享瞭如此詳細的入住體驗!我們非常高興得知您和家人在酒店度過了一個愉快的假期,尤其是在上海最冷的日子裏,這裏温暖的環境和美麗的風景為您帶來了舒適的體驗。酒店位於冠頭嶺森林公園內,靠近海邊,得天獨厚的地理位置讓我們能夠為客人提供絕佳的自然景觀,尤其是日落的景色,確實令人心曠神怡。我們也很開心聽到您對房間的寬敞、整潔和安靜感到滿意,同時酒店的健身房和室外游泳池也為您的假期增添了不少樂趣。特別感謝您對中餐廳的喜愛!我們一直致力於為客人提供高品質的餐飲體驗,得知您的兒子特別喜歡生蠔和海蔘餃子,我們感到非常榮幸。您的滿意是我們最大的動力!再次感謝您的點評,期待您和家人在未來的日子裏再次光臨,繼續享受美好的度假時光!祝您和家人生活愉快,幸福安康!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人,您好!非常感謝您抽出寶貴時間分享您的入住體驗!我們非常高興得知您對酒店的整體設施和服務感到滿意,尤其是對我們工作人員的專業態度和高效響應給予了高度評價。您的認可是對我們團隊最大的鼓勵!同時,我們也非常重視您對早餐的反饋。早餐的品質和多樣性是我們一直努力提升的重點,您的意見將幫助我們不斷改進。我們會與餐飲團隊溝通,進一步優化早餐的種類和品質,為賓客提供更優質的用餐體驗。再次感謝您的寶貴建議,期待您的再次光臨!我們將繼續努力,為您帶來更加完美的入住體驗。祝您生活愉快,旅途順利!
Svar från boendet: 酒店所有客房均配有落地窗和陽台,可盡覽遼闊海景或靜謐園景。尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您選擇入住北海喜來登度假酒店,並留下您的入住體驗反饋。我們致力於為客人提供豪華舒適的住宿環境、温馨周到的服務以及絕佳的海邊風景。春節期間雖然人流量大,我們的團隊依然保持良好的秩序和氛圍,讓每位旅客都能享受到寧靜與美景。我們很高興您的女兒可以在咖啡吧裏享受閲讀、咖啡和海景的愜意時光,彷彿時間都慢了下來。這樣的體驗無疑為旅途增添了更多美好的回憶。希望您和家人在未來的旅途中也能繼續收穫如此美好的時光!期待再次相聚!