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Elegant Queen Size-sängrum
Bodde på okt. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 8 dec. 2024
This courtyard has a very authentic old Beijing vibe, and we went in November. The accommodation was very comfortable, and they even upgraded us to an attic room for free. The room was well-equipped with complete toiletries, and the heating was sufficient. However, it lacked some hooks for hanging clothes in the room. When we went out, the bed in the attic wasn’t made, only the downstairs bathroom was cleaned, and I hope the owner can pay more attention to this. On the third morning of our stay, there was no hot water for the shower. They said the water heater was clogged due to the cold weather, and even after running the water for 30 minutes, it still wasn't hot, so we couldn't shower, and it was too cold. I hope this can be improved.
The location of the accommodation is great, very close to Qianmen Dashilan, where there are plenty of places to eat, shop, and stroll around.
Overall, the accommodation experience was very good.
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thank you so much for choosing our courtyard and sharing your detailed experience with us. We are truly delighted to hear that you liked the authentic old Beijing atmosphere and found the accommodation comfortable, especially the free upgrade to the attic room. It's our pleasure to provide a warm and cozy environment for our guests.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the lack of hooks in the room and the improper cleaning of the attic bed. Your feedback has been noted, and we will immediately take measures to improve these aspects. We will ensure that there are sufficient hooks installed in each room and enhance our cleaning standards to guarantee a more meticulous service.Regarding the issue of the hot water, we are extremely sorry for the trouble you had. The cold weather did cause some unexpected problems with the water heater this time. We have already arranged for a professional technician to thoroughly check and repair it to avoid such situations in the future. We will also consider adding some backup heating or water supply solutions to deal with extreme weather conditions.We are very glad that you appreciated the excellent location of our courtyard. We will continue to maintain and improve our facilities and services to provide you and other guests with a better experience. We hope you will give us another chance to serve you in the future, and we believe that your next stay will be even more satisfactory.Best regards!尊敬的客人:非常感谢您选择我们的四合院,并与我们分享您详细的入住体验。得知您喜欢这里正宗的老北京氛围,且觉得住宿很舒适,尤其是我们为您免费升级到阁楼房间,我们由衷地感到高兴。能为宾客提供温馨舒适的环境是我们的荣幸。对于房间内缺少挂钩以及阁楼床铺未妥善整理给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。您的反馈我们已记录在案,并且会立即采取措施加以改进。我们会确保每个房间都安装足够的挂钩,同时提升我们的清洁标准,以保证提供更细致周到的服务。关于热水的问题,给您造成了困扰,我们深感抱歉。这次寒冷的天气确实导致热水器出现了一些意想不到的状况。我们已经安排专业技术人员对其进行彻底检查和维修,以避免今后再出现此类情况。我们也会考虑增设一些备用的加热或供水方案,来应对极端天气状况。我们很高兴您认可了我们四合院优越的地理位置。我们会继续维护并完善我们的设施与服务,以便为您以及其他宾客提供更优质的体验。我们希望您今后能再给我们一次为您服务的机会,相信您下次入住时会更加满意。致以最诚挚的问候!
Elegant Queen Size-sängrum
Bodde på okt. 2024
5 recension
Publicerades 18 nov. 2024
We arrived quite late, and the owner waited for us.
Beautiful room, traditional furniture, and something you want to experience in China. The courtyard is very picturesque.
The hotel is located in hutong area, which is lovely. We could get a taxi without problem as well
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, we are overjoyed to receive your wonderful review. Our traditional siheyuan is a cultural gem, and we're delighted you appreciated its beauty and convenient location. It was our pleasure to host you. We look forward to welcoming you back to Beijing and our hotel for another memorable stay.
Bodde på juni 2024
8 recension
Publicerades 22 juli 2024
what a lovely surprise! rooms are clean and cute. Staff is very friendly. Feels like home!
Svar från boendet: Thank you very much for coming and your recognition. We always welcome every guest staying in the hotel with our warm service and clean and comfortable environment, so that every guest can feel at home. At the same time, we also welcome you to go home at any time.
Marina Gerasimenko
Mysigt queensize-rum
Bodde på juli 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 8 aug. 2024
The service was very good. The room is very cosy, good plumbing, very clean, friendly attitude. Poor enough breakfast
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thank you very much for your positive feedback on our quadrangle homestay! We are glad that you enjoyed the cleanliness of the room and our service. Our team is always committed to providing a comfortable experience for every guest. Looking forward to your visit again and wishing you a pleasant journey in Beijing!
Elegant Queen Size-sängrum
Bodde på apr. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 6 maj 2024
a charming resting place in the heart of Beijing. Room was small, I guess this is part of the hutong experience.
Very kind and helpful staff
Svar från boendet: Thank you very much for your stay! Our courtyard is renovated from an old building, and the rooms have retained their original style, so the rooms are smaller than those in the royal mansion. Thank you for recognizing our service and inviting you to China again!
Elegant Queen Size-sängrum
Bodde på mars 2024
7 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 24 maj 2024
Very helpful and nice staff, always trying to help even if they don't speak English. Beautiful traditional place. Room little small but everything you need
Svar från boendet: Thank you very much for staying at this hotel. I'm very sorry, our front desk staff may not be proficient in English. We will do our best to provide you with assistance. If you need any help, please feel free to let us know. Thank you again for your recognition of us.
Bodde på sep. 2023
134 recension
Publicerades 26 okt. 2023
good hotel,tranditional Chinese style,clean and comfortable
Svar från boendet: 感謝您的好評與認可,小院打造的就是以家為主題的融入感和歸屬感,還原老北京的真實生活,體驗老北京的四合院文化以及人文文化。再次感謝您的認可,歡迎再次回家。
Svar från boendet: 【民俗文化體驗活動】【圍爐煮茶】【漢服體驗】【免費行李寄存】【專業旅遊諮詢服務】【節日特色裝飾】【娛樂KTV】親愛的朋友,感謝您入住琉璃瓦舍國風四合院。在這裏,我們不僅為您提供舒適的住宿環境,還精心準備了各類民俗文化體驗活動,像剪紙、畫臉譜等,帶您深入領略老北京民俗文化的魅力。品嚐着精美的中式茶點,感受這份獨有的中式浪漫,我們希望您在這裏的每一刻都充滿歡樂與温馨,期待與您再次相見,共續美好回憶呢。
Yilan Family Suite
Bodde på nov. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 3 dec. 2024
Wspaniałe miejsce w Pekinie. Czysto, schludnie, śniadania bardzo smaczne. Łóżko typu kang bardzo wygodne. Jeśli chcesz zostać i doświadczyć Pekin na 100% to musisz skorzystać z ich oferty. Najlepszy hotel w Chinach w jakim spaliśmy. Dzieci zachwycone. Polecam każdemu ten hotel.
Svar från boendet: Dziękujemy bardzo za takie wysoką ocenę i szczere polecenie! Naszym głównym celem zawsze było zapewnienie wszystkim gościom komfortowego i niezapomnianego doświadczenia pobytu. Bardzo się cieszymy, że zarówno Państwo jak i dzieciście byliście zachwyceni zarówno komfortem obiektu, jak i jakością usług. Będziemy nadal starać się utrzymać najwyższą jakość, aby każdy odwiedzający nasz hotel mógł mieć podobnie pozytywne wrażenia. Serdecznie zapraszamy ponownie na przyszłe wizyty w Pekinie i w naszym hotelu. (非常感谢您如此高的评价和真诚的推荐!我们一直以来的主要目标就是为所有客人提供舒适且难忘的住宿体验。我们很高兴您和孩子们都对酒店的舒适度以及服务质量感到满意。我们将继续努力保持最高的品质,以便每一位入住我们酒店的客人都能有类似的积极感受。衷心欢迎您未来再次到北京并入住我们酒店。)
Svar från boendet: 【老北京四合院】【步行天安門7號入口】【拍照盡顯國風美】【貼心管家】【文化氛圍濃厚】【設施齊全精緻】【周邊老北京風味早餐】感謝您的光臨呀,同時也特別感謝您對我們的喜愛與認可。您記住在這裏度過的美好時光,讓我們十分感動,為賓客營造美好的入住感受是我們的責任與使命,能得到您的稱讚我們深 感榮幸,這也讓我們更有動力不斷進步啦,希望往後還有更多機會為您服務呢。
Svar från boendet: 【衚衕環繞,感受老北京煙火氣】【觀景露台】【雕樑畫柱】琉璃瓦舍國風四合院(北京天安門店)坐落在充滿故事的衚衕之中,出門便是最地道的老北京生活畫卷。您可以和鄰里嘮嘮嗑,聽一聽那些口口相傳的京城往事,感受濃厚的人間煙火氣。而咱們四合院內部又營造出一片寧靜雅緻的空間,讓您既能融入市井,又能獨享愜意,這般獨特的體驗,相信定會讓您的北京之行回味無窮,期待您下次再來細細品味哦!
Svar från boendet: 您好哦!看到您給出的好評,我們滿心歡喜,真的特別感謝您對我們酒店的喜愛呢!琉璃瓦舍國風四合院(北京天安門店)始終將客人的體驗放在首位,從您踏入四合院的那一刻起,我們就希望您能感受到濃厚的國風文化氣息撲面而來,在這兒可以暫別城市的喧囂,享受獨屬於這裏的寧靜與雅緻。而細緻周到的服務也是我們一直所堅持的,就是想讓您在這兒住得舒心、放心呀。您的鼓勵是我們前進的動力,我們會繼續保持並提升品質,期待未來能再次為您服務哦。再次感謝您的光顧,願您一切安好呀!
Svar från boendet: 感謝您對我們四合院的積極評價!我們很高興您對房間的古典風格以及管家的熱情服務感到滿意。我們一直致力於營造一個舒適和温馨的環境,以提升每位客人的入住體驗。您的反饋對我們非常重要,它激勵着我們不斷改進和提升服務質量。我們期待未來有機會再次歡迎您光臨。如果您有任何需求或建議,請隨時與我們聯繫。