11 september 2024
The self-service check-in system at this hotel is absolutely infuriating! You’re forced to download a specific app to check-in, but when I logged in with my iPhone, I couldn’t unlock the room! Luckily, I had an Android phone, which barely worked. Then, not long after, the app logged me out and wouldn’t let me back in with the original password! I contacted customer service, and they told me to walk 5 minutes to the service desk to get a physical key card—already frustrating enough—but when I asked what was wrong with the app, they just said, "I don't know." I ended up wasting over two hours of my time! This kind of service is completely unacceptable!
這間飯店的無人櫃檯系統簡直讓人崩潰!入住必須下載一個指定的App,但我用iPhone登入後,居然無法解鎖房間!幸好我隨身帶了另一台安卓手機,才勉強解鎖。然而沒多久App自動把我登出,原本的密碼還不能再登入!聯繫客服後,他們居然叫我走5分鐘到服務處去拿實體卡片,這已經夠讓人生氣了,但當我問他們App到底出了什麼問題時,他們竟然只回了句“I don't know”。就這樣浪費了我兩個多小時!這種服務態度真的令人無法接受