3 juli 2022
Where to begin... I was greeted by a friendly enough woman who gleefully explained that I'd been upgraded from single room to twin. Good start. There was a very strong smell of stale cigarette smoke, which I presumed to be emanating from their living quarters. My room (6) was on the top floor and thankfully didn't overlook the street. The smell of smoke pervaded, even with the window open. As I unpacked, I realised their was nowhere to hang clothes, and the drawers so small they could barely accommodate a t-shirt. As I slowly took in my 'home' for the night, the dreadful realisation that this place is filthy began to dawn on me. Dust on the back of the TV, engrained dirt on windowsill, thick layer of dust on cistern pipe,dust bunnies hanging from the ceiling, and a cracked plug socket with an extension lead. A frantic Internet search for alternative accommodation was unsuccessful. Grin and bear it. The towels and bedding stank of smoke and made for a thoroughly unpleasant attempt at sleep. Given the general state of filth, I opted to forego breakfast and got the first train home in the morning.