23 september 2024
Oh, where do I even begin with this gem of a booking process? Spoiler alert: I didn’t stay at the hotel, but based on my experience, dodging that bullet was probably the best decision I’ve made this year. So, buckle up for the thrilling ride that was just booking a room. It all started when I received an invoice, paid it like a responsible adult, and thought, “Great, all set!” Silly me. Not long after, I get a call from some mysterious voice (manager? owner? random guy with a phone?) who didn’t even bother introducing himself. This mystery man informs me that—whoopsie!—they sent me the wrong bank account details. No biggie, right? Just call my bank and cancel the transaction. Simple! Oh wait, did I mention I had practically no cell reception where I was? But yeah, let me just magically reverse that payment, thanks for the heads-up! Minutes later, I get another invoice with the “correct” bank info. But wait, there’s more! Another call, this time a delightful cacophony of a man and woman speaking over each other on speakerphone (because, why not?). They demand I make a second payment to this new account. That’s right, just casually fork over another 500 euros while I figure out how to get my original payment back. You know, as if this is totally normal. Their tone? Oh, just the right blend of “we’re doing you a favor” mixed with “we might sell your room to someone else, so hurry up.” So, to recap: they send the wrong invoice, offer zero responsibility for the screw-up, demand you fix their mess, and somehow, you’re supposed to pay them double while they dangle your room over your head. Ah, customer service at its finest!