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Mar Ballesteros
Super Large Balcony, High-altitude River View Two Room Suite [180 ° First-line River View+full French Window+moving Night View]
Bodde på aug. 2024
1 recension
Publicerades 21 sep. 2024
The room was wide and clean. We had an aisle with two rooms and the bathroom for three people. The views from the balcony were amazing. We didn’t like much the breakfast because there were just noddles and hot water. When we arrived there wasn’t anywhere in reception for check-in so it took a while for someone to come. Landmarks are far away walking but Didi taxi is pretty cheap so you can get there in 15 minutes by taxi.
Svar från boendet: 您好!很高興您選擇百德斯酒店,我們酒店還有多種江景房型喲,帶超大陽台,180度一線江景的落地窗,屋頂也有有免費觀景台可以打卡喲,入住酒店客人還可以贈送下午茶,我們一直希望用自己貼心和暖心的服務,讓您在這裏感受到家的舒適 自在 安心 放心,期盼您的下次回家!祝生活愉快!
Super Large Balcony, High-altitude River View Suite [180 ° First-line River View+full French Window+moving Night View]
Bodde på maj 2024
17 recension
Publicerades 22 juni 2024
I chose this hotel because hotel view and the price is reasonable. First arrival I got a room at the end of corridor. I found hand shower holder is broken and wifi is unable to use ( signal is very low and internet connection doesn’t work at all ) Do not understand why they don’t fix the holder before let the guest check in.
I was asked to change the room. We decided to change the new room which is smaller and expect the wifi will be better. Holder is ok, unfortunately Wifi is still very bad. I give up to use hotel wifi. We also found the lamp has no battery.
Hotel Restaurant is nice, it’s on the 11th floor. Staff are very attentive. Food are tasty too. We had dinner and lunch over there. Breakfast only has noodles and boiled egg. ( no meat ) We love to stay at the restaurant.
There is open air market at the park near to the hotel which is around 10 minutes walk. There are shopping malls opposite to the park too, you can find good tea shop, supermarket, some restaurants there.
Open market are super nice, you could enjoy the view of the river and the city view at the same time. Highly recommend to visit 👍
Svar från boendet: 尊敬貴賓:感謝您選擇百德斯酒店,由於電信網絡公司臨時突**況導致整個片區網絡當天數據信號不好,現在已經恢復了!我們百德斯酒店地處一線江景最美的地段,祝旅途愉快!
This hotel was quiet and comfortable We arrived 90 minutes early and were able to checkin with no problem. The price was very reasonable but it lacked in a couple of ways. The breakfast was very disappointing and the toilet did not work properly.
Svar från boendet: 親愛的顧客,非常抱歉給你不好的體驗感,針對你説的問題我們去核實了,衞生間設施設備都是好的喲!希望是符合事實的評價!我們有多種江景房型的房間,下次可以體驗江景的房間感受更好喲!祝生活愉快
Shancheng Xiayue Warm Big Bed Room [Riverside Stroll]
Svar från boendet: 親愛的顧客,馬拉松十幾萬人蔘加,房間都是來自各個地方的客人提前幾個月訂滿的,我們的價格也很親民,離馬拉松起跑點很近,因此也獲得了很多跑馬拉松比賽的老客户高度認可,如我們工作中不足之處感謝給我們提寶貴意見,但確實不能因為需要臨時多訂其他房型我們無法滿足而惡意給我們差評,我們百德斯酒店必須秉承誠信經營,客人幾個月前因為參加比賽而定的我們酒店房間,我們必須給客人保留!希望理解!也希望下次如果參加馬拉松比賽提前預訂我們酒店,祝生活愉快!
Mountain City Smoke And Rain · Light Picking Big Bed Room [Riverside Stroll]