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Margaret Li Mei
Mode Enkelsängsrum
Bodde på sep. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 24 okt. 2024
Hotel a bit old but we don't mind because we don't always stay in the room as the price of 5 days is good and come with bfast. The front desk staff is so friendly and helpful. As we bought a lot of stuffs from taobao before we arrive they help us receive it but must inform them. And the location is so good with a lot of shopping and food too. The photo is post the shopping mall & food is just around the hotel by walking distance.
Svar från boendet: 【❤️距離“我在重慶”步行5分鐘❤️】酒店位於觀音橋步行街,在這裏飲食出行都是非常方便的,以温馨時尚為主,為城市旅途中的客人打造一份安靜舒適的品質睡眠,期待您的再次光臨。
Standardrum i business-klass
Bodde på juli 2024
Res med vänner
1 recension
Publicerades 5 aug. 2024
Location is superb with restaurants and malls. The only concern I have is despite requested for non smoking room, the reception insist to give me a smoking room. They do not speak English at all. The service apartment is dedicated to servicing locals only.
Svar från boendet: Dear distinguished guests, hello, I'm very sorry. Due to our problems, we did not communicate with you properly. You have noted on the Internet in advance that you need a smoke-free room. We have arranged the room in advance. We have processed the room. All our rooms are not equipped with ashtrays. Smoking is not allowed in the room, but we can't guarantee many things in the room. I'm very sorry that we can't give you a good experience. In the future, we will also train our employees to improve the quality of service. Thank you for your visit. I wish you all the best.
Standardrum i business-klass
Bodde på maj 2024
1 recension
Publicerades 1 juli 2024
Rooms are spacious for 2-3 people. Location is beside Double nine tree Hilton hotel in Guanyinqiao, a few mins walk to Tianjie, convenient.
Svar från boendet: 【❤️距離“我在重慶”步行5分鐘❤️】收到來自小姐姐五星好評,小信的心情十分的激動。酒店位於江北區觀音橋商圈,緊臨地鐵3號線,是出差旅行的優選。
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人,很抱歉入住沒能讓您滿意,看到您的評價,我們深刻的反思,前台員工的怠慢,是我們管理的疏忽,深感抱歉,我們將加強員工培訓,確保員工專業素養的提高,以提供更佳周到細緻的服務。關於房間收費問題,房間所有需要付費的商品我們都有貼好標簽哦,不會有隨便扣費的情況哦,很感謝您選擇我們,祝您萬事順心,蛇年大吉!
Svar från boendet: 【❤️暑期出遊❤️】非常感謝您對信之尚酒店的支持,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也很榮幸能為你提供最優質的服務。酒店位於觀音橋步行街,步行3-5分鐘可達“好吃街”,“我在重慶”,“不夜城”等地,吃喝遊玩都很方便。真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Svar från boendet: 【❤️國慶出遊❤️】【❤️步行多個網紅打卡❤️】非常感謝您對信之尚酒店的支持,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也很榮幸能為你提供最優質的服務。酒店位於觀音橋步行街,步行3-5分鐘可達“好吃街”,“我在重慶”,“不夜城”等地,吃喝遊玩都很方便。