Hotel Shree Jagannath is an ideal spot for holidaymakers who wish to spend some quality time away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a budget property, located within a vicinityy to the Airport and the Railway Station. Some of the prominent tourist spots and entertainment hubs of the region lies close to this property such as Odisha Maritime Museum, Cuttack Chandi Temple, Netaji Birth Place Museum, Mahanadi Barrage, Dhabaleswar Island, Barabati Stadium and Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary. The hotel offers accommodation in well-furnished rooms that are equipped with cable television, intercom, mineral water, sofa unit, study table, daily newspaper, shower area, hot/cold water and bathroom with necessary toiletries. Facilities available at Hotel Shree Jagannath includes parking facility, doctor on call, laundry, taxi service, guide service, sightseeing and airport/railway station transfer. The supportive staff of the hotel ensures that all needs of guests are timely fulfilled. Unwind and have a relaxed stay at Hotel Shree Jagannath!
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