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Rum med två sängar
Bodde på jan. 2025
Res med vänner
2 recension
Publicerades 23 feb. 2025
staff very helpful,friendly. easy access to main street,walkknh distance to ancient town and easy to get didi. halal food also nearby. Very recommended 👍🏼👍🏼
Svar från boendet: 親愛的朋友,您的推薦是對我們最大的鼓勵!工作人員樂於助人,希望能為您營造家的氛圍。便利交通讓您輕鬆暢行,附近的清真美食也能慰藉味蕾。期待不久後,再次在民宿迎接您的到來!Dear guest, your recommendation is the greatest encouragement to us! The helpful staff hope to create a home - like atmosphere for you. The convenient transportation allows you to travel freely, and the nearby halal food can also satisfy your taste buds. Looking forward to welcoming you back to here soon!❤
Rum med två sängar
Bodde på sep. 2023
Res med vänner
13 recension
Publicerades 30 okt. 2023
Good hotel in the town. Clean and good service. Simple nice breakfast. They helped us with our luggages when we checked in and out. Overall is a good experiences. Nice eatery places around the hotel within walking distance’s.
Svar från boendet: Thank you very much for your praise, and if you have the opportunity, you are welcome to return to Dali。
Svar från boendet: We're thrilled that you appreciate our environment and breakfast. The unique charm of our inn comes from the blend of local culture and cozy decor, which we carefully designed. Our breakfast features fresh, locally - sourced ingredients. During your stay, if you're interested in exploring the local area, we can provide you with detailed travel guides and even arrange some exciting activities. Have a wonderful day at our inn!我们很高兴您喜欢我们的环境和早餐。我们客栈的独特魅力源于当地文化与温馨装饰的融合,这是我们精心设计的。我们的早餐采用新鲜的当地食材。在您入住期间,如果您有兴趣探索当地,我们可以为您提供详细的旅行指南,甚至安排一些精彩的活动。祝您在我们客栈度过美好的一天!
Smart Rum (Dubbel säng) (Badkar)
Bodde på juli 2022
32 recension
Publicerades 28 aug. 2022
A really lovely place to stay, in an excellent location about 10 mins from the old town, with lots of restaurants and food options also nearby. Very nice owners, one spoke very good English and was really helpful in offering suggestions for food and other information. Really warm and welcoming and went out of their way to help and accommodate. We were offered fresh fruit free each day and gifted some of their tasty rose tea when we left. The room was clean and comfortable with a nice bath tub. Highly recommended and would definitely stay again.
Svar från boendet: Thank you so much for you recommendation. Our hotel located in Dali Old Town, about 10mins to the center. We offer the free breakfast and local fruit each day. If you have any unclear about Dali and Yunnan, please feel free to ask us. Welcome to Dali and Zhier again. Hope you everything goes well.
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人,收到您這麼用心的好評,我們心裏暖烘烘的!能讓您在這兒住得舒心、吃得開心,還欣賞到美美的風景,就是我們最大的動力。您提到的每一處細節,都是我們努力的方向,那小伴手禮也是我們滿滿的心意。期待下次您再來,咱們就像老友相聚,繼續暢聊旅途趣事,再次為您打造完美的住宿體驗~
Svar från boendet: 親愛的朋友,讀着您的評價,我們心中滿是感動與温暖!真的特別感謝您選擇芷洱民宿作為您大理之行的棲息之所,能成為您旅途中最温暖的記憶,這是對我們最大的褒獎。我們一直很慶幸民宿所處的位置,既能讓大家輕鬆融入古城的熱鬧,又能享受那份鬧中取靜的悠然,就像為您打造了一處專屬的寧靜港灣。您對我們服務的認可,從熱情迎接、景點美食介紹,到那杯熱茶和水果,都讓我們深知所有的用心都得到了最好的迴應。得知您喜歡我們的房間佈置,那充滿陽光與温暖氣息的空間,還有木質傢俱營造出的温馨氛圍,這正是我們努力想要呈現給每一位客人的。而您意外蹭到的員工餐能讓您如此念念不忘,我們更是欣喜萬分!那些家常菜餚,承載的是大理最地道的風味和滿滿的生活氣息,能與您分享,是我們的榮幸。蒼山腳下,寧靜的時光總是令人沉醉,能陪伴您度過這樣一段愜意的日子,我們也感到無比幸福。我們真心期待您再次踏上大理這片土地時,還能選擇芷洱民宿。下一次,我們會準備更多驚喜,讓您繼續在這裏放鬆身心,續寫屬於您的大理慢生活篇章,我們一定在這兒等着您!
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人,您好!收到您如此暖心且細緻的好評,我們全體員工都滿心歡喜,這份認可對我們而言,是最珍貴的禮物,千言萬語,唯有深深的感謝!能讓您在蒼山洱海環繞的環境中,享受清晨陽光與鳥鳴,沉醉於庭院繁花,是我們一直努力營造的氛圍。設施上,我們會持續用心挑選床品,優化智能設備,讓舒適與便捷始終相伴。衞生方面,我們會嚴格把控,確保房間和公共區域永遠一塵不染。服務更是我們的重中之重,員工會繼續熱情接待每一位客人,分享遊玩攻略,及時滿足需求。再次感謝您的支持與喜愛,期待您再次踏入我們的民宿,開啟更多美好旅程,祝您生活愉快,萬事順遂!
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人,太感謝您給出這麼高的評價啦!能讓您在這兒吃得開心、住得舒心,盡情享受周邊美景,我們所有的努力都值了。那些當地特色食材,都是我們精心挑選的,就盼着能讓大家嚐到地道風味。幫忙規劃行程,也是希望大家不錯過這兒的好風光。房間的整潔,院子的營造,都是我們一直堅守的。期待您下次再來,我們一定準備更貼心的服務,再續美好旅程!
Svar från boendet: 寶子,看到你的評價,我們心裏樂開了花!特別感謝你對咱們客棧的認可,能讓你住得舒服又開心,就是我們最大的動力。床墊和枕頭都是我們精挑細選的,就為了給像你這樣對睡眠品質有要求的客人,帶來家一般的舒適。咱們庭院的設計也花了不少心思,希望能讓大家在旅途中尋得一方寧靜,能得到你的誇讚,感覺一切都值了。下次你來大理,行李還是交給哥哥,禮物叔叔早就給你備好了,咱們不見不散!祝您春節快樂!萬事順遂!
Svar från boendet: 寶子,看到你的好評我心裏暖烘烘的!能幫到你們做攻略、避避雷,讓旅途更省心,都是我們該做的。房間乾淨、住着舒服,早餐也合你口味,這就是對我們最大的認可。小院風景是我們精心打造的,就盼着能給大家帶來愜意的感受。大理永遠歡迎你,小院的門隨時為你敞開,下次來大理,一定還來咱家民宿!