27 februari 2023
Hi, just letting you know that i have just had the police visit me during my last nights stay. Generally lovely and lovely receptionists, however tonight blew all the icing off every hostel i have ever stayed at (more than 100). So basically was talking to my new friend i met and explaining to her that generally i am lucky however with everything I buy technology is not my luck, i have the newest and it does not work each time, to include an iPhone 13, newest iPad, etc. everything else great however this. So we sorted out the contact method however decided email was the safest way forward due to the above. So I tried to do my booking in / checking in etc and look at the pictures of Guinness factory she took for me due to iPad not working for pics, and was talking to myself - not particularly loud, near the snacks and football table, then a crazy guy started waving at me, like crazy, I asked after I finished what he was doing (thought he had a mental health problem on first impression, went and asked him and he then said that I was interrupting his phone calls. I said dont think so as I wasn;'t particularly loud, and that the guy staying on the sofa (one of 2 or 3 guys the receptionists are letting sleep on the sofas for free while we are paying) was making more noise (as much as it wasn't annoying me, i was making a point that he was definitely louder). He said that I was interfering with all his calls still and said I was disruptive etc., I said if I am so disruptive to call the police, of WHICH HE DID!!!!!!!! So I was waiting about 2 hours plus of which immediately he abruptly told the guy they all let sleep on the sofas and hang out that he must go immediately, of which the guy was not leaving very quick of which the guy 'Christopher' enforced a quick exit after me making this point. He went. So 2 or so hours later, on my recording, I went to ask 'Christopher' if he could give me a crime number of which he refused of which I asked again politely, and still nothing, however he then proceeded to call the police again (this time about 45 minutes ago ish), I asked him the crime number and he said that they will be along shortly of which I think he called the police again but cannot be sure. So the police turned up 325B and 344B Darragh Connolly and Kevin Lynch. They were fairly polite however said that Christopher insisted that I wanted the police called, I asked for this to be sorted out here and now, however they suggested I sleep and go home tomorrow, and there isn't a problem, it needs to be sorted out with the hostel and the booking. To me there is a huge problem, I have health problems and came here to relax and find my roots of Irish have enjoyed it and now it is ruined forever because of this, not something I can just forget and certainly don't want this nasty low life human to get away with.......... He originally suggested I am over intoxicated of which I went to the Guinness factory, have had a pint and a Jamiesons over the course of a