31 januari 2023
First I’d like to say, the rooms are great. They are spacious with nice size bathrooms and they are nice and clean, the beds are good sized and comfortable with bright white linens. The staff was friendly enough until I went to extend my stay the other day. They had to have me move rooms because mine wasn’t available after that day so I was moving my things when the housekeeper came in and he said that it smelled like smoke. I do smoke however I go outside. I did not smoke in the room. He told me I was lying and that if he told his boss they would charge me $400. He said that if I wanted, I could keep it between us. My boyfriend was at work and I was alone and never dealt with anything like that. I just knew we didn’t have $400 to give away. I asked him what he wanted and he asked me what I was willing to do for him. You can imagine what was racing through my mind at this point. Cash wasn’t the first thing I thought he was asking for. I’m a tiny woman and I’m in the room alone with a man I don’t know and he’s black nailing me basically! Luckily, his coworker walked in just as I started to tell him that my husband would be back any minute. He shushed me and I rushed out of the room. I was in my new room a few mins later and he knocked on my door. I told him I was getting in the shower and to come back later and he said he would but he wasn’t happy, if his tone of voice is to be believed. My boyfriend was upset when I told him what was going on and he went to find the housekeeper. He told my bf that they would charge his card $600 on just his word. My boyfriend gave him $20 which was all he had in cash and later the guy came back and said he had to share it and asked for $10 more. I have kept the do not disturb sign on the door ever since and I went to ask for towels today, because mine were missing, and the guy was extremely rude to me. He practically threw them at me and I haven’t had a washcloth in days. It’s not cheap to stay here 3 weeks so I don’t think it should be a big hassle to get a washcloth! I should have left after that encounter but it’s a headache I couldn’t deal with when I have so many other things on my plate right now. We did go down and try to talk to the guy in the office but nothing was done. I prob wouldn’t of said anything else about it if he hadn’t been so extremely rude to me over a towel today. I would hate for anyone to lose their job but I have paid a lot of money to have to be afraid to ask for things I need.