24 juni 2022
I stayed at this noisy, overpriced ,undersized roomed Hovel on a hill in Granville 50400 Normandy , the owner, a small creature with big expectations of profit and a very small regard for threats of violence and racial prejudice , Isabelle by name but certainly not !! belle! by nature ,having been told of noise from the drunken neighbours until the wee hours of the morning, if four am can be consideredd the "wee hours" and the threats of "ripping off my face" and the demand I return to "my own country, this is FRANCE" !! from a rat faced individual also staying in the hovel and witnessed by the owner or proprietor for our french readers , I made a complaint but all the dwarf (owner) " avec le faux sourire " false smile would do was precisely nothing !! ,in fact it joined in by demanding I respect the other resident !! an absolute coward and of course a racist to boot ,nothing was done no "je suis desolette " ( I am sorry) just a demonstration of why not evryone should be in the hospitality game and certainly not when they are looking for the fast buck !! Granville is a worser place for this treacherous owner more so because it is all one might expect from that place ,the original of the Hotel says it all "Terminus" after staying there the two nights I realised I had certainly come to the "end of the road" Terminus !