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Xinya Room - Twin Beds
Bodde på dec. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 4 feb. 2025
good location good room good service good food good sanitary
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的_WeChat266098****,您好!看到您對酒店地理位置的高度評價,我滿心歡喜,非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店,並分享了這麼棒的體驗!您的認可就是對我們最大的鼓勵,也是我們持續努力的動力。酒店緊鄰西湖人間仙境,讓每一位客人輕鬆邂逅湖光山色,感受大自然的鬼斧神工與深厚的歷史文化底藴,這是我們的榮幸。相信您在漫步西湖邊時,一定領略到了它四季各異的美景,無論是春日的垂柳依依、夏日的荷花映日,還是秋日的丹桂飄香、冬日的斷橋殘雪,每一處景緻都別有一番風味。 其實,酒店周邊不僅有絕美的自然風光,酒店內部也匯聚了各種地道的杭州特色小吃,龍井蝦仁、西湖醋魚、片兒川等,每一口都能讓您品嚐到這座城市的獨特味道,新年活動您還可以在酒店大堂體驗手工冰糖葫蘆哦爆米花等趣味活動,為這次旅行留下一份珍貴的回憶。我們深知,一次完美的入住體驗離不開每一個細節。除了優越的地理位置,我們也在不斷提升酒店的服務品質和設施設備,希望能為您提供更加舒適、便捷的住宿環境。無論是房間的温馨佈置、貼心的服務,還是豐富多樣的早餐,我們都力求做到盡善盡美。再次感謝您的支持與喜愛,期待您的再次光臨。我們會一如既往地為您提供優質的服務,讓您每次來到這裏都能感受到家一般的温暖與舒適。祝您新春愉快,闔家幸福!
Tingya Twin Room
Bodde på juni 2024
16 recension
Publicerades 3 juli 2024
A good hotel with well-equipped facilities, nice services and wonderful location.
Svar från boendet: Dear TIHKlninqza,Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We are truly delighted to hear that you had a great experience during your stay with us. It means a lot to know that you found our hotel to be a good one, with facilities that met your needs, services that left you satisfied, and a location that added to the charm of your visit.Our team is constantly working hard to ensure every aspect of your stay is seamless and memorable. Your kind words about our facilities, services, and location are a great encouragement for us to keep up the good work.We sincerely hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future!
Xinya Room - Double Bed
Bodde på mars 2024
4 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 16 apr. 2024
Pros : it is clean, breakfast is good and staff is nice. The location is nice close to the lake.
Cons : The hotel is quite old, the room didnt have a separated room for bathroom and there are small steps in the room not very baby friendly. Also Didi cannot drive to the hotel in week end . Only taxi and bus are allowed in weekend.
Svar från boendet: Dear WeChat380512****:Hello, thank you so much for taking the time to send us feedback of your stay experience! Our Hotel is located on the beautiful West Lake, surrounded by water, so you can remain within doors will be able to enjoy the scenery of West Lake. There are various types guest room in our hotel, including twin room and family room, and each room is strictly implemented by our professional cleaning staff, floor manager, and supervisor inspection system to ensure that your room is clean and tidy. Our buffet restaurant features a panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass window design, and the window outside is a charming courtyard scenery with the Southern China. Enjoy a delicious breakfast while admiring the scenery, and start your good trip. While meeting the different accommodation and dining needs of guests, we adhere to the Concierge service and provide personalized service, so that every guest can enjoy a warm and comfortable stay. We are honored to have received your recognition of our hygiene, breakfast, service, and location, the cozy room you stayed was upgraded for G2O summit VIPs. Each room has a private bathroom to achieve the function of dry and wet separation. In order to provide our guests with diverse accommodation experiences, some rooms have tried the Tatami style and used steps to enhance the spatial hierarchy. Unfortunately, it did not meet your liking. We sincerely invite you to bring your family to experience family room and enjoy a better family time. From March 9th to May 31st, in order to keep the road orderly and people safe, traffic management will be implemented on weekend and holiday from 8 am to 6 pm per day . We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you plan to drive, please arrange your time and route in advance and inform our reception of your plate number the day before. And we also recommend you to take public transportation, take No.194 or No.318 buses at Hangzhou Flower Garden bus station and go north,it takes about 2 minutes to getting there. The West Lake in April as beautiful as a painting, you can also cycle to the hotel and enjoy the scenery of flowers and water along the way. We are sorry that we couldn't provide you a satisfactory accommodation experience this time. Thank you for the suggestions you kindly offered us, which is crucial to improving our service quality. We look forward to meeting you again in Hangzhou and Jinxi Hotel, to feel our warmth and progress. Wish you good health and lots of happiness!
Wee Hong
Near Stream Room - Double Bed
Bodde på mars 2024
13 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 13 apr. 2024
It is near the scenic side of xihu.. but there are times that didi do not drop ubat hotel as traffic is controlled and U have to hike about 2+ km when unlucky
Svar från boendet: Dear TISGlcuv60p****:Hello, thank you for choosing Jinxi Hotel during this beautiful spring season. Our hotel is located in the core area of the West Lake, with beautiful West Lake scenery and nearby many attractions. It is conveniently located, quiet and suitable for vacation. It's the peak season from March 9th to May 31st, in order to keep the road orderly and people safe, traffic management will be implemented on weekend and holiday from 8 am to 6 pm per day . We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you plan to drive, please arrange your time and route in advance and inform our reception of your plate number the day before. And we also recommend you to take public transportation, take No.194 or No.318 buses at Hangzhou Flower Garden bus station and go north,it takes about 2 minutes to getting there. The West Lake in April as beautiful as a painting, you can also cycle to the hotel and enjoy the scenery of flowers and water along the way. If you use online platforms such as DiDi APP for go out, only taxi are allowed. We are committed to providing every guest with a comfortable and "home-like" stay experience. If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to reach out to us and always at your service. Thank you again for choosing Jinxi Hotel and we look forward to serving you again.
Riguang Room - Double Bed
Bodde på feb. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 6 apr. 2024
This hotel is a hidden gem in Xihu area. The location is perfect, the room we stayed was really nice and the customer service was incredible.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guests: We are very happy to see you share your stay experience with us and we are very pleased to have your recognition. Jinxi Hotel is a beautiful place with all seasons. Please come again next time. I wish you all the best!
Tingya Double Bed Room
Bodde på nov. 2023
17 recension
Publicerades 16 dec. 2023
The hotel is very closed to west lake. Just need to cross the road. Hotel surrounding is peaceful and quiet. Room clean with basic necessities. Wide spread of buffet breakfast. Staff is friendly and helpful. It will be perfect if it come with self service laundry room.
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您選擇金溪並抽出寶貴的時間給予點評!再多的溢美之詞,都比不上您真心的評價,我們付出100%的努力,衹為給您帶來滿意的住店之旅~您的滿意將是我們努力前行的最大動力,我們會繼續努力為賓客打造“温馨的家”。山莊位於西湖景區、楊公堤畔,鬧中取靜,杭州花圃、植物園、岳廟、蘇堤、龍井、靈隱寺等眾多景點都在旁邊,步行或騎車遊玩都非常方便和愜意。再次感謝您提供的意見建議,歡迎您常來金溪!祝順心如意!
Familjevänligt 2-bäddsrum
Bodde på nov. 2023
1 recension
Publicerades 17 dec. 2023
Good breakfast and location. Staff very helpful and friendly
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好!非常感謝您的入住與讚賞!很高興能為您的出遊帶來美好的時光。您的讚賞給予酒店很大的鼓舞,也是我們進步的動力,我們會繼續保持熱忱,致力讓每一位賓客享有賓至如歸的入住感受,熱切期待您的再次光臨!歡迎您再回來體驗,祝生活愉快!
Familjevänligt 2-bäddsrum
Bodde på maj 2023
2 recension
Publicerades 17 juni 2023
Nice hotel with great front desk people who are very helpful. Love to come back.
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您的入住並給予滿分好評!山莊坐落在美麗的西子湖畔、楊公堤岸,鬧中取靜,非常適宜散步賞景,無論是一路之隔的麴院風荷,還是花圃、岳廟、蘇堤等諸多精華景點,都非常值得遊玩。山莊不僅周圍景點眾多、美景怡人,內部也是綠樹、草坪、花園,生機盎然。真誠地歡迎您常來金溪!酒店端午仲夏打卡活動即將上線,期待您和家人前來體驗!祝您生活順心,工作順利!
Xinya Room - Double Bed
Bodde på okt. 2023
5 recension
Publicerades 21 nov. 2023
Herbert very handsome!i admire him
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您在百忙之中,給我們做出的評價,您的支持就是我們前進的動力。山莊位於西湖景區內較為清幽的楊公堤畔,擁有熙攘都市裡罕見的自然生態和清幽環境,與麴院風荷僅隔楊公堤、舉步即到,而杭州花圃、植物園、岳廟等眾多景點也都在旁邊。步行或騎車遊玩西湖都非常方便、愜意,是和家人、朋友休閑度假的首選之地。希望金溪能一直得到您的厚愛,我們也竭誠地期待您和家人的下次光臨!願您幸福快樂每一天!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的Dbls:您好!真心感謝您選擇入住我們山莊,還留下了這麼細緻又暖心的評價,您的每一句話都像春日暖陽,讓我們心裏暖烘烘的。感謝您對我家院子的喜愛!我們精心養護庭院綠化、打造城市綠洲,就盼着能為您洗去旅途的疲憊,帶來鬆弛愜意的停居感受。酒店身處西湖核心景區,周邊景點環繞,等着您有機會多來體驗遊玩!得知早餐合您口味,麪得到您的誇讚,廚房師傅們很高興!我們特別抱歉這次床墊沒能讓您睡舒服。您的意見我們已經記在心上,請您下次光臨時能預告我們一下,我們會對床墊做一些調整,方便您舒適入眠。我們期待再次為您打造一段愉悦的金溪時光!願您生活愉快、萬事順遂!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的Mary88Zhou:您好!金溪紅梅已含香綻放,初春的靈隱茶山也冒新芽,非常榮幸在這春風輕佛綠意漸濃的好時節與您再次相聚。看到您的點評和照片分享,我們就像收到老友的來信般親切!您三度下榻我們酒店,這份信任和支持讓我們倍感温暖。特別感謝您對我們服務細節的認可,客房升級是我們對回頭客的特別心意,能為您這趟靈隱禪香之旅增添些許舒適,我們由衷欣喜。您提到的早餐體驗,我們非常重視且已第一時間傳達至相關部門,將努力加強西點出品管控和督導,提升產品品質,也感謝您對我們中餐的推薦。關於活動期間的公區氛圍問題,當夜,我們值班經理已第一時間介入引導,很抱歉還是影響到了您,我們將完善夜間巡查機制,竭盡全力為每一位賓客打造“温馨的家”。值此萬物復甦、探梅賞梅之際,為了讓賓客更好地感受江南春意,我們精心打造了梅花宴等創新產品,誠邀您有機會來品鑒!靜候您的第四封“家書”,祝新年快樂!諸事順遂!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的_WeChat34670****:您好!非常榮幸得蒙您垂青,攜您家小寶貝選擇金溪,與我們共度這“綠楊煙外曉寒輕”的初春時節,為此,我們也特地為您升級了客房,很高興能夠得到您的滿意。山莊位於美麗的西子湖畔、楊公堤岸,與“西湖十景”之“麴院風荷”隔堤相望,靈隱寺、雷峯塔、植物園、蘇堤等諸多精華景點皆在周邊,麴院風荷此時雖未至芙蕖時節,但新柳拂波的景緻別有一番清韻。我們的金溪別業餐飲團隊一直致力於杭幫菜守正創新,值此金溪紅梅暗香浮動之際,更是精心打造了梅花宴等時令新品,誠邀您有機會來探梅賞梅品梅。金溪一枕西湖月,麴院三更玉漏聲,期待荷風再起時,能夠與您重續畫堂春!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的lll3:您好,見字如麪!感謝您點評和美圖分享下榻體驗,您的認可恰似春日暖陽,暖人心扉。我們家客房小姐姐王利娟給您留了小小紙條,真誠期待給您帶來一份人在旅途的温暖,有幸得到您在小紙條上書面回覆、熱情讚揚,利娟姐可開心啦!我們大家都感受到了被賓客點讚的快樂。房間升級,是我們盡所能為您的旅程增添的一份滿意+驚喜。我們精心打理庭院,是希望給客人們提供一方舒適放鬆的好天地。既然酒店有幸咫尺西湖十景之麴院風荷,位置得天獨厚,那我們就用心一些,讓她仿若一幅水墨江南畫卷,在您眼前徐徐鋪展:晨起推窗,清風拂面,鳥鳴青翠映入眼簾;一磚一瓦,皆靜靜營造詩意棲息之所;一草一木,每一處都顯露江南獨有的温婉與靈秀。至於早餐,我家大廚精挑食材用心烹飪,衹為在清晨助您開啟活力滿滿的一天。期待與您再次相逢,共賞人間四季更迭、歲月悠長。願生活因西湖山水的滋養而詩意綿延、明媚如初。
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客:您好!乙巳隨春至,春醒萬物生,非常榮幸與您相聚在春風輕佛綠意漸濃的好時節,我們很遺憾此次入住未能達到您的期望,對此我們表示誠摯的歉意。我們非常重視您提出的意見建議,將努力提升用品用具的舒適度,加強早餐服務的管控和督導,相關部門已經在進行鍼對性培訓和改進,避免此類事件再次發生。我們一直秉承金鑰匙服務理念,致力於“品質金溪”建設,以期為每一位賓客打造“温馨的家”,提供有温度、高品質的金溪服務,感謝您告知住店感受幫助我們改進提升。真誠希望您能夠再次光臨。“春分品茗、秋雨看花”,期待您有機會有時間體驗金溪別業餐廳杭幫菜、汲翠鳥鳴室外茶室、書語夢蝶堂吧咖啡等服務,給我們提提寶貴意見建議。期待再次相逢!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的205723****,您好!看到您的點評,我們倍感榮幸與激動!您第四次選擇入住我們酒店,還給出如此高的評價,這是對我們最大的認可和鼓勵!您的每一次到來,都像是家人回家,我們滿心歡喜地期待着,也用心地準備着。一直以來,我們都努力為每一位客人打造舒適、便捷、温馨的入住體驗,很高興我們的努力得到了您的肯定。酒店得天獨厚的地理位置,讓您能輕鬆領略西湖的湖光山色,感受大自然的寧靜與美好;精心設計的房間,無論是齊全的設施,還是乾淨整潔的環境,都希望能為您提供家一般的舒適;豐富多樣的早餐,融合了各種特色小吃,衹為滿足您挑剔的味蕾;而充滿童趣的親子房,更是希望能為您和孩子留下一段美好的回憶。我們還特別設定了多個讀書吧,擺放了各種類型的圖書,希望能在您忙碌的旅途中,為您提供一個寧靜的閲讀空間,讓您在書香中放鬆身心。對於房間衞生出現的小插曲,我們深感抱歉。非常感謝您的包容與理解,您的大度讓我們十分感動。客房部的同事專門寫了便條、送上禮物,這是他們表達歉意的方式,也是我們對每一位客人的重視和關懷。我們始終堅信,衹有關注每一個細節,用心對待每一位客人,才能為大家帶來優質的服務體驗。您的推薦對我們來説意義重大,這不僅是對我們酒店的認可,更是一份信任和責任。我們會倍加珍惜這份信任,繼續努力,不斷提升服務質量,優化硬件設施,為每一位客人提供更加優質、貼心的服務。期待您再次來到杭州,再次入住我們酒店,我們一定以更加飽滿的熱情和更加周到的服務迎接您的到來!再次感謝您的支持與厚愛,祝您生活愉快,萬事順遂!