28 maj 2023
THIEVE!!! DON'T GO there, MONEY were STOLEN multiple times at this place!!!! It was my first night at Sri Lanka and I didn't pay enough attention to read previous bad reviews (on Google maps and also some here) where people wrote that their money got stolen or how one man came to room and cought Niyas (owner of this place) digging in their luggage to find money. Unfortunately my money got stolen too. I knew exactly how much money I have as it was my first day at Sri Lanka. Next day in the morning when I opened my vallet there was 100USD, 5k LKR and maybe also some Euros (this I don't remember exactly how much € I had) missing. I've asked Niyase's wife if this happened in the past and she said no but she was smiling and I could see she can't lie really well. There were no other guests staying and I think think it was either her, her sister or Niyase's kids who stole my money when I left my bumbag (with vallet inside) in my room for about 15 min when Niyas was showing me living room and kitchen and trying to push me to do some bird senctuary and bishop trip next day even tho I had already my plans. He was just trying to keep me away from room. Also I remember exactly how he came to my room and said to go with him that he shows me around the house... I was reaching my hand to grab a bumbag with me and he said something like: "You can leave everything here madam. This is a safe place. It's my home and my life, don't worry." I didn't won't him to feel that I don't trust him and left my bag there which I realized as a mistake next day. Anyway I print screened all the bad reviews from other guests and told him that I'm gonna go to police if he doesn't return my money back. Also he wasn't at home that morning when I realized what happened so all the communication was happening by phone. Obviously I moved to different place. Niyas didn't want me to go to police so he deposited my money in Sri Lankan Rp equivalent to the bank account of hotel owner where I stayed after. So my story is not that terrible as I managed to get my money back but it wasn't a nice experience and I don't want anyone else to go through this so please don't go to this place!!!