Nikki E
4 januari 2025
My husband and I spent Christmas week at the Voya Boutique Hotel. We had such an incredible time that we keep raving about it to our friend's. Before we left the states, the concierge curated a wonderful itinerary. We flew from Tampa, direct to Havana on Southwest. The ease of getting there was incredible. We couldn't believe it. Make sure you get your visa online and fill out medical form a few days in advance. The hotel sent a nice driver to pick us up at the airport. Then we were greeted by the lovely ladies in red, the receptionists/concierge team. We felt welcomed everyday as all our needs were completely met. I must recommend my favorite things! Dinner at El Cocinero Visit to the Cuban Art Factory Day trip to Vardadero Beach Spa services at Vida Classic car ride Advice: carry lots of 1 dollar bills maybe some 5s, carry medicine for yourself for headaches, cold flu, tummy trouble, lots of car fumes while driving around- bring mask, don't bring expensive things, lock valuables in safe Tips: resources for locals are scarce so I brought lots of feminine products and children's gently worn clothing to give out to room attendants. They would also appreciate any over the counter items like Tylenol, aspirin cold and flu meds, allergy meds, etc. This was such a wonderful trip! We can't wait to return.