19 september 2024
As we were staying in a B&B in Hope this was one of the obvious places to eat, especially with good TripAdvisor reviews. Unfortunately it did not meet expectations. The starter of mushrooms was very good, and it looked as if we were in for a really good meal. We had both chosen venison. I wanted mine cooking for slightly longer than my husbands. Once we started eating we realised we had been given the wrong plates and had to swop. The venison was served with tenderstem broccoli and dauphinoise potatoes. My broccoli stems were thick and unfortunately not cooked. I appreciate it is difficult to ensure the stems are cooked, and not overcook the head. With stems as thick as mine they could have been split into two, and mixed with less thick stems, which my husband had. They were left. The potatoes were slightly dry. The gravy was tasty, but too thick, and it fell, rather than poured onto the plate. The venison was well cooked, and better accompaniments would have made this a great meal. I remarked to the waitress that the broccoli was practically raw, no reaction.