För att säkerställa att de betyg som visas är äkta räknar vi inte bara ut ett genomsnitt. Vi tar även recensionens trovärdighet och gästens vistelsedatum i beaktande för att fastställa det slutgiltiga betyget.
Svar från boendet: Dear Ctrip GuestWe are sorry to hear about your experience.For the benefit of the C-Trip community I would like to advise that all of our rooms are periodically fumigated by Rentokill for bed bugs. In your room your mattress was inspected and there were no evidence of bed bugs to be found.We do however have naturally occurring sea lice in the sea water at present which a number of guests have brought to our attention when snorkeling and swimming. At times when sea lice is present in the ocean we recommend to wear rash guard swimwear to protect yourself.Sea lice bites will irritate for up to 72 hours but can be treated with cortisone cream.With regards to our pool water treatment, all pools are tested daily for their chlorine and PH level to ensure they are hygienic for guests.We do wish you a speedy recovery.Warm RegardsBrad CalderGeneral Manager Ahura Resorts