29 december 2023
The hotel is a wonderful conversion of the ancient convent. It is clear that mountains of money, but also tons of taste, were expended in achieving it. The result is sublime: like living in a beautiful château, except comfortable. As for the spa, it is superb, the best we’ve seen (and we’ve seen a few). It would impress a Roman emperor (if there were more slaves). We didn’t benefit from the huge outdoor pool or the terraces, since we were there in winter, but they would be a delight in warm weather. Someone has done a terrific job in assembling and training a rather young staff of charming and intelligent people. From the parking attendants to the receptionists, and from the waiters and waitresses to the exceptional sommelière (Ms. Pauline), there wasn't a one that we wouldn’t happily adopt and take home with us. The buffet breakfast: simply the best (really). The hotel has its own full-time boulanger, as well as a pastry chef. Okay, full disclosure: the coffee could be better. There is (of course) a gourmet restaurant (we can all imagine what that’s like), as well as a “bistro" on the premises. (Fortunately, since the local village doesn’t offer much at all.) The bistro serves mainly fanciful haute cuisine; we would have preferred that it be more authentically bistro-like, with some classic bistro-type food (steaks, daubes, foie gras, magret, confit de canard…yes, maybe even french fries!). It goes to show: even paradise can stand to be tweaked a bit.