8 maj 2023
長野駅/善光寺周辺から車で20分くらい、小田切ダムを過ぎて山道を進んでいくと現れる古民家宿です。季節によって変わりますが鳥の鳴き声と木/風の音に囲まれており自然を堪能できます。 今回は到着して荷解きなどをして落ち着いたら山菜取りをご主人に習いながら楽しんで収穫しました。その後はリンゴ風呂に入って癒しのひと時を堪能して上がりますと縁側に先ほど収穫した山菜がさっそくおつまみになり、瓶ビールも!! 夢にまで見た風呂上がりの縁側での一杯を実現できました。 そんなこんなで色々と夫婦で話しながら時が経ちまして、囲炉裏端での夕飯です。 今回は山菜メインでのお手製調理に加えて、ご主人の釣ったイワナの塩焼き/刺身が御膳を賑わわせています。このお料理を日本酒で楽しみながら、追加でお願いしていた岩魚の骨酒も到着、そこに茶碗蒸し/山菜の天ぷら/山菜の握りずしなども次々とやってきまして山のご馳走!!どれもこれもお酒に合って、美味しくて最高に幸せな時を過ごすことができました。最後にご主人の手打ちそばがまいりまして、満腹大満足!! ふかふかの布団木々の音/雨の音を楽しみながらぐっすりと寝て、鳥の声で目が覚めてシャワーを浴びてゆったりしてますと朝食@囲炉裏端です。 朝食も盛りだくさんで、焼き立ての玉子焼き/信州サーモンの頭甘露煮/とろろ芋/山菜のお惣菜など、ご飯に合うおかずが目白押しで、そこにキノコ汁も!! 朝からおなかいっぱいであります。 いつも通り、実家に帰った感じでゆったりまったりさせてもらいました。 また、帰ってきます!!行ってきます!! This Kominka-yado(old private house) locate about 20 minutes by car from Nagano Station/Zenkoji Temple area. Can enjoy nature surrounded by the sound of birds singing and trees/wind, which changes depending on the season. This time, after we arrived/settled down to unpack, we enjoyed picking Sansai while learning from owner. Afterwards, I took an apple bath and enjoyed a moment of healing, and when I went back to the bathhouse, I found the wild vegetables I had just harvested on the porch and a bottle of beer!!We were able to realize our dream of having a drink on the porch after taking a bath. After a while, we had a dinner by Irori.This time, in addition to the homemade cooking of mainly wild vegetables, the dishes of grilled/sashimi Iwana caught by owner were served. While enjoying this dish with Sake, we also had a bottle of sake with a rockfish bone, and then Chawan-mushi, tempura of Sansai, and nigirizushi of Sansai came one after another. All of them went well with the sake and were delicious, making for a very happy time. Finally, the owner's handmade soba arrived, filling our stomachs to the brim with satisfaction! I slept soundly while enjoying the sound of the trees/rain on the soft futon, woke up to the sound of birds, took a shower, and relaxed, and then breakfast was served on Irori-bata. Breakfast is also full of dishes that go well with rice, such as freshly baked egg omelet, sweetened Shinshu salmon head, Tororo-imo, wild vegetable side dishes, and even Kinoko-misoshiru! I was full from morning. As usual, I felt as if I had returned to my parents' house and was able to relax.I will be back! I'm going back!