För att säkerställa att de betyg som visas är äkta räknar vi inte bara ut ett genomsnitt. Vi tar även recensionens trovärdighet och gästens vistelsedatum i beaktande för att fastställa det slutgiltiga betyget.
As always very happy to come back and stay at the Holiday Inn Express Fenghua Hotel.
Super friendly and helpful staff, convenient location with access to shopping and great restaurants within walking distance. Spacious room with everything you need, I can only recommend this hotel
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest, Thank you very much for the comments you shared .We are delighted to know that you enjoyed your stay with us. We do make sure that we have the best locations which is next to a mall and close walking distance to the bus station. We hope our customers can feel more relaxed no matter they are on work or in travel.We look forward to your next trip! Sincerely, IHG Social Listening Team
Superior Queen Room (Panoramic French Window+Ontiy Independent Safe+projectable TV)
Bodde på feb. 2023
5 recension
Publicerades 27 mars 2023
Half decent hotel. Good location. Breakfast was very limited. Just a few hot options and not many different veg/fruit. Hot drinks, e.g. coffee, was a very low quality. Just 2 elevators for the entire hotel meant waiting most of the time... good price when booked in advance.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest,Thank you for your candid review. We apologize that your recent stay did not meet expectations. We appreciate your comments and will share these with our team so that we can continue to improve our services. We do hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future, so that we can provide a better experience.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
Standard 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window + Screen-projectable TV + Movable Office Desk + Customized Privacy Partition + Wet And Dry Separated Bathroom)
Bodde på feb. 2023
9 recension
Publicerades 22 mars 2023
I was visiting Fenghua to run the Peach Blossom marathon. The hotel was superbly located as it was only a 10-15 minute walk from the stadium; very convenient for picking up the race package on Saturday and getting to and from the race on Sunday. Also, since many runners were staying at the hotel, they started the breakfast service one hour earlier which was very thoughtful. The room was clean and spacious and looked new. I liked that it had hardwood floors rather than carpet. I would recommend this hotel for family or business travelers on a short trip.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest,Thank you so much for taking the time to to write a review.It’s absolutely encouraging to read your comments. We can’t ask for more than that….Once again, many thanks for taking the time to post your review and we look forward to having the pleasure of welcoming you back to our hotel in the future. Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
Superior 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window+projection TV+mobile Desk+customized Privacy Partition+wet And Dry Separation Bathroom)
Bodde på feb. 2023
9 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 2 juni 2023
Fair hotel, I would definitely stay again.
Svar från boendet: Dear guest thank you very much for your stay and positive review. We are glad to see that you enjoyed your stay here. Holiday Inn Express Ningbo Fenghua is located in the heart of Fenghua District, Ningbo city, next to the municipal government building. The hotel is located in the commercial, leisure, entertainment as one of the happy city, steps away from admiralty Plaza, Wanda Plaza, Intime city and so on. The surrounding transportation is convenient, and the abundant commercial leisure facilities add convenience to your travel. The hotel has special facilities such as 24H self-service laundry cabinets, automatic room delivery robots and vending machines, Dedicated to providing guests with secure lock, breakfast, free bath, soft and hard double pillow comfortable sleep. Make your business trip to the fullest, Holiday Inn Express Ningbo Fenghua is your wise choice. We look forward to your next stay with us. Have a great trip! IHG Social Listening Team
The hotel was clean and comfortable. The staff was friendly and helpful. The breakfast was good
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thank you so much for taking the time to to write a review.It’s absolutely encouraging to read your comments. We can’t ask for more than that….Once again, many thanks for taking the time to post your review and we look forward to having the pleasure of welcoming you back to our hotel in the future. Best regards,IHG Social Listening Team
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,歡迎光臨寧波奉化智選假日酒店!很開心看到我們同事高效、專業的服務能力能夠為您的旅程提供了便捷。作為洲際酒店集團的中端商務品牌,一直以來,我們的房間時刻保持整潔,給您舒心體驗,高層靜謐,也能夠助您安享休憩。免費停車場,讓您停車無憂,周圍業態豐富,為您的出行添彩。小智也會繼續加油不斷為客人提供更為優質的環境和服務,期待您的再次光臨,祝您一路順風!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Deluxe Queen Room (Super Large Bed+south Facing Panoramic French Window+Ontiy Independent Safe+mini Mini Refrigerator+projectable TV)
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您選擇寧波奉化智選假日酒店。非常抱歉沒能給您一個完美的住宿體驗,我們向您表示誠摯的歉意。我們非常重視您提出的各項問題,也在第一時間瞭解具體情況。因國慶期間,酒店客房比較緊張,確實無法滿足您的升級要求。前台服務人員在與您溝通時,沒能夠清楚的告知您具體情況,造成了不必要的誤會。今後我們一定會加強對前台服務人員的培訓和管理監督,確保以更加高效、專業的服務態度來面對每位到訪的客人。請您相信,作為酒店的管理者和服務人員,我們一心想把酒店最的一面展現給您,絕沒有欺瞞等現象,因為國慶期間客流量增多,我們的服務有做的不到位的地方也請您諒解。希望您有機會再來小智家,我們定會為您提供高品質的設施和服務。祝您旅途愉快。智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Standard 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window + Screen-projectable TV + Movable Office Desk + Customized Privacy Partition + Wet And Dry Separated Bathroom)
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您選擇寧波奉化智選假日酒店。看到您對於房間位置略有不滿,請容小智稍加解釋。因為看到您是帶小孩入住,所以我們貼心的為您從標準雙床房升級為豪華雙床房。因為房型問題,所以在樓層的尾端,為此給您帶來了不便,請您理解。關於房間設施的問題,我們也會反饋給管理團隊。希望我們優越的選擇,熱情的服務,整潔的住宿環境能令您的旅途更加舒適。真誠期盼您的再次光臨,祝您旅途愉快! 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Superior Queen Room (Panoramic French Window+Ontiy Independent Safe+projectable TV)
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,歡迎您再次來到寧波奉化智選假日酒店,感謝您的鼓勵與認可,令小智動力滿滿。作為洲際酒店集團管理下的一員,小智注重服務的品質與內涵,無論何時,當您踏進酒店大堂的第一時間,前台小夥伴竭誠為您奉上熱情、友好、細心、高效的服務,帶給您賓至如歸的美好體驗。我們的酒店擁有裝潢温馨典雅的大堂,舒適整潔的客房環境,精巧舒適,齊全而不多餘的設施設備,暢爽沐浴、高品質床品及軟硬雙枕,皆為您帶去旅途的疲憊,放鬆身心,整夜好眠。我們隨時恭候您的再次選擇。祝您萬事如意。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Anonym användare
Superior 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window+projection TV+mobile Desk+customized Privacy Partition+wet And Dry Separation Bathroom)
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客官您好,感謝您選擇寧波奉化智選假日酒店並給予滿分好評,小智倍感榮幸。酒店地處集商業、休閑、娛樂為一體的歡樂城,遙步可至金鐘廣場,萬達廣場,銀泰城等。周邊交通便利,豐富的商業休閑配套為您的出行增添便捷。作為洲際品牌旗下的智選假日酒店,小智遵循酒店品牌的理念,以其優惠實在的價格,安全可靠的高品質硬件設施設備,細緻入微的賓客服務體系,高端簡潔的客房裝修設計,乾淨舒適的賓客入住環境深得大家好評。早餐方面,我們會將您的意見反饋給餐飲團隊,我們會根據客人的需求不定期調整早餐品種及口味滿足客人的需求。期待與您的再次邂逅,祝您天天開心!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Standard 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window + Screen-projectable TV + Movable Office Desk + Customized Privacy Partition + Wet And Dry Separated Bathroom)
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好!感謝您的入住!最美的事情就是與您相識並相伴,在小智心裏,再也沒有比讓客人住得滿意更重要的事情了。小智非常感謝您在茫茫酒店中短暫的停留,才會讓我們彼此相遇,相伴這美好時光。我們的客房整潔舒適,設施完善,寢具選用品牌護脊床墊,配有軟硬雙枕,羽絨被褥,品牌衞浴,為您褪去旅途疲憊。更有免費停車、自助洗衣等配套完善的設施為您的旅途更添便利與舒適。很開心您在小智家度過了一段舒適愉悦的時光,熱誠歡迎您的再次蒞臨!祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 親愛的賓客您好,歡迎您蒞臨寧波奉化智選假日酒店。感謝您對我們服務的肯定和點贊,您的誇讚無疑是對夥伴們最好的激勵。餐廳團隊更是用心,從餐食的精緻烹製,到服務時的細緻入微,全力為您打造舌尖上的愉悦。酒店周邊配套一應俱全,出行購物毫無壓力,給您滿滿的便捷體驗。真心盼着與您再次相逢,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Superior 2-bed Room (Panoramic French Window+projection TV+mobile Desk+customized Privacy Partition+wet And Dry Separation Bathroom)
Svar från boendet: 尊貴的賓客您好,人與人之間,有一種緣分;心與心之間,有一份信任,當您選擇了小智,就是把信任交予了我們。小智會全力以赴,不讓您失望。小智一直以“想您所想,急您所急”為服務的宗旨,我們也非常開心能夠幫小朋友找到並寄回遺落的PAD。在小智家,無論遇到什麼問題,隨時歡迎您聯繫我們,小智會秉承人性化服務的理念,竭盡所能為您服務。希望在這裏,您擁有的不止是良好的休息場所,更重要的是賓至如歸的真實體驗。期待下一次美麗的相約。祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Детские цветы
Superior Queen Room (Panoramic French Window+Ontiy Independent Safe+projectable TV)
Svar från boendet: 尊貴的賓客您好,謝謝您的熱心點評,您可能都想象不到,這份肯定在小智心裡帶來多麼大的鼓勵。作為洲際酒店集團管理下的一員,小智用心聆聽客人的心聲,“您最關心的,也是我們心之所向”始終貫穿服務全程,為客人奉上熱情高效的人性化服務。我們有整潔舒適的客房,高端品牌沐浴系統,優質床品,更有免費停車場、自助洗衣閣等超多增值服務,為您的旅途更添便利與歡樂。我們期待着您的下次到來,祝您幸福安康。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊