Jenna D
17 juni 2024
this was a disaster from the start. me and my boyfriend had planned a spontaneous trip to oxford and saw this hotel, after looking at some of the pictures and reviews, we thought it would be high quality for the cheapest price we could pay (£109 for the night). once we had arrived and paid £40 for the carpark across the road for 24 hours, we couldn’t even find the place. we saw an “oxo bar” sign placed on the corner of the address that google maps claimed the hotel was. the place looked extremely run down with smashed and dirty windows. once we had called the hotel to confirm where the entrance was, we entered and was surprised by the pleasantness of the reception area. we then thought that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and remained open minded about the place. once we were checked in we headed up to our room, when lugging our suitcase up the stairs due to their being no lift, we noticed stains on the carpet covering the stairs, and windows looking out to a dirty roof and courtyard, this is when our opinion of the place started declining again. we then got to our room and was fairly disappointed upon first impressions, it wasn’t awful, but certainly was not as “fancy” as the pictures looked. after looking more intently around the room whilst putting luggage away, we noticed damp and mould near the shower area, drip and dirt marks covering the walls in both bathroom and bedroom, a wardrobe with no back, stained cushion from the bed, filthy windowsill, and paint and dirt covering the area next to the radiator. worst of all, when we opened the cupboard in the bathroom, we were greeted by a plethora of stains due to god knows what and what only looked like mould. after finding all of this we headed down to reception, which was empty. after ringing the bell for the attention of the staff twice, the receptionist appeared. after explaining the issue and asking for either a room switch, partial refund, or even a free drink in the bar, the receptionist stated very firmly that “he could not discuss this with me as it was not his job” and that he was “not dealing with me” and gave me the emergency number that was stated to be the managers. overall this hotel is completely deceiving and i would not recommend it to anyone. judging on the appearance of the outside and seeing the state of the stairs, i could only assume other rooms were in a state like this too.