Amy and Eric B
5 oktober 2024
Upon arriving in Pahalgam from Srinagar, we were bombarded by lowlifes selling us "pony rides." Thinking that this might be a fun way to see this beautiful area, we acquiesced to a "ride" for 5000 rupis for two people for 6 locations, unlimited time. The locations on the poster looked nice. We mounted our sad looking ponies and were led up a road through a sad, impoverished, trash-strewn village, apparently one of the sites. Finally leaving the road, our tired ponies struggled up the rocky garbage strewn path to our next "location," another trashy location called a Tourist Cafe. While we waited for our tea, we were bombarded by the bird guy, who put doves on me, hoping for a photo and cash, the pashmina guy, selling low quality scarves, and some other guys who were just annoying. Then we were led up the trash-strewn trail to a "waterfall." Something akin to a stream with some small cascades, but not a waterfall by any means. There was another "cafe" and trash everywhere. If you're a tea house owner, wouldn't you keep your place clean? It was disgusting. We climbed on the rocks to try for a peaceful moment ***** the stream, but within seconds, the pet-my-bunny guy came by, as well as the guys "volunteers" to take our photos. At this point, we agreed that I was sick and needed to return immediately. This was only one hour in of our tedious tour. The pony whipper, aka guide, initially refused to take us back, but with some serious nausea, I convinced him to return us. Upon our return, we had to deal with the scumbags who refused to honor their "if you don't like it, don't pay" offer. Since we had already paid half up front, we felt no obligation to give them any more money. Then the escalation of harassment commenced. We pointed out that posted the two hour rate was less than we'd already paid, and the ad turned to walk away. They followed us for a while.