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Bodde på sep. 2023
15 recension
Publicerades 7 okt. 2023
A very pleasant stay. The sea view room had a lovely big room and large shower. The hotel goes straight onto a small beach. Easy access to Alona beach by tuk tuk which takes around 10 minutes. Next door had karaoke the night I stayed but this stopped around 10:30pm. Staff very pleasant and helpful and food nice too. Drink on arrival was nice.
Karen Maturan
Deluxerum med havsutsikt
Bodde på sep. 2022
1 recension
Publicerades 29 okt. 2022
Linaw Beach is a place to have peace and quiet stay in Panglao. A little far from Alona but accessible to party night life.
Bodde på jan. 2023
8 recension
Publicerades 13 feb. 2023
Good foods and pools goods
Anonym användare
Bodde på nov. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 30 dec. 2024
Wir hatten das Hotel glücklicherweise nur für eine Nacht gebucht, weil wir mittags in Panglao angekommen sind und am nächsten Vormittag wieder mit der Fähre zurück nach Cebu fahren wollten.
Unser Fahrer hatte Schwierigkeiten den Zugang zum Hotel zu finden. Die „Hütten“ in der Zugangsstrasse waren völlig runtergekommen und überall lag Müll.
Der Strandbereich vor dem Hotel ist schmutzig, überall liegt Hundekot. Ein Hunderudel gehört inoffiziell zum Hotel/Restaurant. Die Hunde sind Streuner, werden aber geduldet. Sie sind in einem schlechten Zustand, haben Hauterkrankungen und Flöhe.
Die Rezeption und Mitarbeiter waren hilfsbereit und höflich. Allerdings haben wir an der Rezeption einen Ausflug am frühen Morgen um 6am zum Delphin-Watching und Snorkeling ausgemacht. Unser Bootsfahrer kam erst um 6:45am.
Der Bootsfahrer war sehr nett, trotzdem kann ich diese Bootsfahrt nicht empfehlen: der Motor des Bootes war extrem laut. Die Delphine haben wir kurz gesehen, es war aber eher eine „Delphin-Jagd“, da mehr als 15 Boote hinter dem Schwarm her gejagt haben. Danach fuhren wir zu einer Insel zum Schnorcheln. Dort stiegen wir in ein anderes Boot um und wir bekamen einen netten Führer. Beim Schnorcheln muss man allerdings höllisch aufpassen, dass man nicht von einem anderen Boot über den Haufen gefahren wird. Es ist total chaotisch und hat trotz der schönen Fische und Schildkröten wegen dieser Umstände wenig Spaß gemacht.
Das Zimmer war sehr abgewohnt und extrem hellhörig, die Sauberkeit war mittelmäßig mit negativer Tendenz.
Im Pool war sehr viel Chlor, ansonsten war dieser ok.
Das Restaurant war gut.
Zusammenfassend empfehle ich dieses Hotel nicht.
Bodde på jan. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 3 feb. 2024
위치가 알로나비치와는 떨어져 있지만
대신 한적한 느낌이 있어서 그런점은 좋았어요.
앞바닷가는 아름다운데 관리를 안한탓인지 지저분했고.
숙소시설 또한 투자를 더이상 안하는건지 낡았고 가구 또한 낡아서 사용하지 않았어요.
수영장도 아름답지만 수질관리가 아쉬웠어요.
그래도 식당이랑 비치앞 해먹 .분위기등등이 좋아서 다행이었어요.
내가 그곳 운영자라면 깨끗이 리모델링 할것 같아요.
분위기 좋은 멋진곳을 전혀 관리를 안해서 아쉬운 느낌.
Namsang Kim
Bodde på nov. 2023
6 recension
Publicerades 29 dec. 2023
10 일 여행계획을 잡고 마지막 3일을 이숙소로 정했다. 마지막은 좀더 좋은곳에서 편히 쉬는 계획이여서 예산보다 조금 더 써서 1박 15만~16만 을 잡았는데 전에 묵었던 8만원 12만원 호텔보다 위치도 멀고 우선 사진에 보이는것처럼 프라이빗 비치를 상상하면 안됀다. 앞에는 보트들이 드나드는곳이여서 돌밭에다 더럽고 청소도 안하는듯. 수영장도 물이 더러워서 하루 겨우 들어가고 들어가지않았다. 주변청소를 하지않아서 그런지 모기, 파리가 아닌 작은 벌레들이 수영장주변에 많아서 자꾸 물어서 정말 불쾌했다. 샤워기 고정장치가 떨어져서 없는지 오래인듯..샤워기를 들고 샤워를 해야했고 방에는 개미군단이 컵주위를 행진해서 청소상태를 의심..두번째날에는 바로 옆에 있는 호텔에 방을잡고 수영장도 거길 이용했다. 새로 지은 호텔이라 깨끗하고 수영장도 잘돼있고 무엇보다 직원들이 급친절하셔서 그나마 망친 기분을 회복했다. 20 만원을 추가로 썼지만 엉망이 됀 기분을 전환했으니 그걸로 만족..
또 중요한건 Linaw에서 툭툭이를 200페소로 이용했었는데 이 호텔에서 150페소로 이용했다는..정말 기분나쁜..
정말 이 가격에 이용하는걸 말리고 싶다. 난 리뷰작성하는 스탈이 아니지만 이렇게 길게 리뷰를 작성하고 있는건 다른 사람들이 여행을 망치지 않았음하는 마음이다.
A Dora
Deluxerum med havsutsikt
Bodde på maj 2023
4 recension
Publicerades 13 juni 2023
Все хорошо, персонал прекрасный. Но нужно быть готовым к тому, что в тех краях большое количество крупных тараканов. Пристань для лодок , отправляющихся на дайв и снорклинг споты находится прямо в акватории отеля. Много продавцов бусиков )
The hotel was nice and met my expectations. The room was clean, the staff was friendly, and the location was convenient. Overall, a good place to stay. breakfasts tasty hotel pet friendly, cozy rooms, a quiet placee.. I recommend this hotel
Bodde på maj 2024
Publicerades 13 juni 2024
GREATFUL BEACH RESORT TO STAY....At Panglao Island -- very gorgeous resort clean around the whole property..and well maintained. Its good fir stay cation during summer..Rooms large is so beautiful. Ckean. and beautiful bedsheet. Smell smooth. Comportabke & rekaxing to sleep. With a private bathroom . Clean & a tiles fkooring..foods offer you a best quality great and delicious..dessert. beautiful pool on a beachfrint and a front door! With an Icean view. Free beach toqel. Pool was surrounding with a palm trees. Bambbo cottage and a lust garden was so fabulous..Libaw beach resirt & restaurant is a great location abd a great property.. staff was so patient and lot of good service.. Value ● 5 Service ● 5 Location ● 5
Bodde på mars 2024
Publicerades 6 apr. 2024
BEST hotel in the whole of Bohol! My partner and I traveled to so many different hotels and this venue met all expectations!!! The reception is so friendly and helpful, the restaurant has DELICIOUS food, the massages are amazing and the beach view is incredible!! Thank you Linaw for making our holiday so special.
Bodde på feb. 2024
Publicerades 29 feb. 2024
The rooms were huge with a big bathroom that had a tub. Clean. In the common areas, you'll see art pieces too. The entire place is very clean. The staff were friendly, attentive and welcoming. The beds were very comfortable with the room a/c working very well too.
Svar från boendet: Thank you very much ma’am Yanni for the positive review. We truly appreciated it. Your honesty of expressing your thoughts and of what you felt is the most important. We truly are grateful for that. Once again thank you for gracing our resort with happy people. We thank you again for having taken a moment to share your kind feedback and hopefully we will be able to welcome you back with us in a not-too-distant future. Take good care and God Bless you always!