16 december 2023
Hostile and unwelcoming from the get go I cannot express how deeply I feel that you should avoid this place. The room is nice if a little cramped and opens onto the lounge / restaurant. There is also no door on the toilet so say goodbye to any sense of privacy. However that is where the exceptionally few niceties stop. The manageress is clearly weary from hosting and should do everyone a favour and just stop. It’s like staying with a strict elderly relative who you dropped in on unannounced, not someone you’ve paid £140+ a night to host you. She has done her very best to ruin a romantic weekend away. She locked an internal door, accused us of having done it, and left a slice of bread and croissant on the floor with a note. When we called her both by phone and shouting “hello” into the house we were ignored, only to find more doors locked proving she had been in the house the whole time. The following day we were lucky enough to get breakfast, but she snapped at us constantly, basically threw the plates down. Told us we could have eggs when we were “ready”, when we asked when that might be she said when we had finished the rest of our food. Then threatened to stop serving us altogether. She also expressed anger that we had not forewarned her that we were vegetarian. The booking system did not ask and in 2023 Im not in the habit of calling ahead and “warning” of my diet. She looked out three mouldy logs which slugs had made their home whilst also telling us to enjoy an “evening by the fire”. When I asked where I could get more should we need it, she said she would bring them in as needed. Spoiler - no more logs arrived. Doesn’t take a wilderness expert to figure out that that’s not enough to last more than an hour, let alone two nights. If you do find yourself in the unfortunate position of having wasted money and booking here, seek refuge at the Belair where there are friendly faces and a warm - unlimited - fire to enjoy an evening around. When not out walking the cliffs we hunkered there to avoid any uncomfortable interactions. Too uncomfortable to stay in the place we had spent hundreds on. She should be ashamed and either employ someone who knows the meaning of hospitality to run the house for her, or quit entirely. I wish her positivity and healing to recover from whatever event in her life has lead her to be so bitter. Had this been my first trip to Sark, I would never return. Luckily there are many sarkees who are grateful and deserving of your custom, I urge you to seek them out.