28 juni 2023
I am writing to express my utmost disappointment and frustration with the recent experience I had at your property, Torri Seefld. It deeply troubles me to have to resort to writing a complaint letter, as I had previously held your establishment in high regard. However, the manner in which my concerns were handled has compelled me to bring this matter to your attention. On [Date], I had the unfortunate incident of being overcharged for an unutilized day at your property. I immediately contacted your front desk to address this issue and provided a genuine explanation regarding the oversight. It is important to note that my intention was never to exploit or manipulate the situation; rather, I expected a fair and reasonable resolution. To my disbelief, instead of empathizing with my situation, I was met with a dismissive and confrontational attitude. Your staff had the audacity to point fingers at me and insinuate that I was attempting to deceive the property. This unwarranted accusation not only tarnishes the reputation of your establishment but also reflects poorly on your customer service standards. I want to emphasize that my early check-out was due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control. It is far more honorable for a property to offer a refund for a day not utilized, especially in light of unforeseen circumstances, rather than insist on the righteousness of the establishment while accusing the customer of being wrong. This type of response only serves to alienate loyal customers and tarnish the reputation of your property. As a long-standing patron of your establishment, I have always appreciated the exceptional service and professionalism exhibited by your staff. However, this recent incident has left me disillusioned and questioning the values that Torri Seefld Property upholds. I sincerely hope that this unfortunate experience does not represent the standard of service that future guests will encounter.