27 februari 2023
This is an automated set up. The company are based overseas and have someone to maintain the property. We had issues flying into Seville due to fog in the uk and as such all of our plans were thrown into delays to timelines etc. The previous property were very understanding and made allowances for that with booking in - use etc. Limehome are very much, from this experience a cold, business. A pleasurable stay is very much second to making money, not a balance as is the norm for hospitality. Booking enquired on my behalf to see about cancelation options ( we had a no refund option - as did not see issues arising). The location took this not as an enquiry and stated we would nt get a refund and looked to a booking in the future. I spent time then back and forth to ensure that the booking would continue and moved all of the other bookings to suit. Unlike other companies the checkin is automated with scans required of a passport, and a selfie photo to be taken to confirm. Not very comfortable about the company holding this for 12 months, as stated on their website - as such if known would not have booked. On arrival - entry etc was fine and as stated the apartment appeared decent. The major issue and it is a Major issue became apparent. The insulation from other apartments is really non existent. A young family and upset child could be heard, as if in the same room - this was the first night. On the second night the telephone conversation that ran on for hours from the other apartment was likewise, very clear. This is an issue and as such, these apartments are not suitable for what they are advertised. I guess they were office spaces and converted without the additional work required. On notifying Limehome of the issues, they were going to take up the matter with the residents to make sure the 10pm to 9am curfew was adhered to !! Not something one wishes to hear also. Booking were more helpful and on sending evidence - video of what we had faced, we were, after lengthy back and forth and difficult negotiation able to cancel the last night. Possibly the worst experience with a hotel/accomodation company ever.