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Queensize-rum i business-klass
Bodde på maj 2023
30 recension
Publicerades 11 juni 2023
This was my second stay here but it was not as good of an experience. Overall the hotel is still good value for the money. However, this time the noise of the garbage trucks at the facility on the west side of the hotel was very loud and woke me up very early in the morning. I was in a similar room as last time but for some reason, there was not much noise. Asking for a quiet room, they really should put you on the back side of Building B, which looks out onto the parking lot. But the most disappointing thing was the check in process. Last time it was relatively quick but this time, it took about 20 minutes, which is excessive. The reason it took so long is that the attendant kept helping other people while completing my check in. This was very frustrating and unprofessional.
I will give the hotel another chance but wear earplugs if I am put in Building A again. If that does not work, sadly, I will need to find another option.
Svar från boendet: Hello, Sir! We are very glad that you choose our hotel, we will follow up your questions in time, you can contact our manager in time to inform us of your needs, welcome your next choice
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客,您好,感謝您抽出寶貴的時間,為我們做出評價!酒店的衞生也是我們十分重視的問題,我們酒店對每位客房人員都會進行全面的培訓,保證工作人員對於房間衞生的把控足夠到位,讓每一位客人住的舒適、住的安心,除了對房間衞生的嚴格要求,我們要求工作人員對於房間內設施的維護也要做到全面關注,您的表揚也讓我們明白了自己的付出都是值得的,期盼與您的下次相見!祝:安好!
Svar från boendet: 親愛的您,看見您的留言非常驚喜,好温馨親切的名字!感謝您山花爛漫般的讚美,讓我們有了心靈相通的感動,讓賓客滿意是我們服務行業一直追求的夢想,儘管還遠遠不夠,但有您理解肩並肩前行,十分開心與快樂。祝事業進步,生活愉快!本酒店新增加了協助洗衣服務,希望 我們能為您的假期增添喜悦和感動
Svar från boendet: 非常感謝您的肯定和支持。得知您在台風天仍能享受我們的服務並感到滿意,我們深感欣慰。您的認可是我們不斷努力的動力,無論是提供周到的服務、乾淨的環境,還是新鮮的早餐,都是我們致力於讓每位賓客感受到家一般的温暖與關懷。期待不久的將來再次迎接您的光臨,為您創造更多温馨美好的回憶。