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Läge och interiör4.6
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Bodde på nov. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 29 dec. 2024
This hotel is near the airport and it’s a long travel to city .
But the hotel is very big and has nice room . I would recommend for business travel .
Superiorrum (2 sängar)
Bodde på juni 2023
11 recension
Publicerades 24 juli 2023
Pathetic hotel. They turn off AC in the night. Impossible to sleep in night in 30 degrees. Also suffocating. And hotel staff are liars and promise that they will turn on AC but they did not. They also lied that AC is under maintenance.
Svar från boendet: Whoo-hoo! Seeing your criticism, Little Jinlian felt very sad, because I didn't take the opportunity to show myself well in our short time away from the ministry. Regarding the question you mentioned, we have conducted a serious internal reflection and carefully combed every link of the problem, thank you for your supervision, the next time we meet, we will get your great praise! A little couplet for forgiveness
Svar från boendet: 親愛的朋友,感謝您對我們酒店認可和讚美,小錦聯一直秉承着“幸福體驗,熱情服務之道”的服務理念,用心接待照顧來五湖四海的家人們。但是,好馬還需好伯樂,感恩有您們的信賴和支持,因為有了您們,我們才能在酒店行業走的越來越遠。感恩並期盼着您們的再次回家......---等您歸來的小錦聯