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Debating Coach
Queensize-rum i business-klass
Bodde på nov. 2024
32 recension
Publicerades 7 jan. 2025
This is the most affordable B&B type accommodation near SCIE. No frills, you get value in location and not in hotel amenities. Property manager was responsive. The drop off for Ubers is outside, you gotta tell him to drive in if you have luggage and do not want to walk so far.
Queensize-rum i business-klass
Bodde på okt. 2024
2 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 13 dec. 2024
The hotel is fairly close to the city core and is located in a residential neighbourhood (not a "village in the city" ). Close to the subway station. Very easy to get around. There is a supermarket nearby. The cle
aning staffs cleaned the room everyday. Room size is fine for one person. Overall, the place is decent for the money charged.
There was a persistent musty smell in the room.
The fridge is very small. Only good for a few bottles of water. Most of the space was taken up by the freezer. A word of advice, do not keep food in the room!!
Duplex 1-sovrum och 1-vardagsrumsvit
Bodde på dec. 2023
41 recension
Publicerades 23 jan. 2024
Please take this place as the joint to go into Hongkong and easy off since this place is so close to the port. Also, this place is close to a shopping mall and a whole lot of dining spots. I found a beer bar opens so late and enjoyed the draft beers and IPAs there, and those beers are tasty. There is another big shopping center 15 minutes walking distance with quite a lot of shops and dining places. I put my shoes there for clean and maintenance and then eat my dinner in a decent restaurant, and surely the food is GREAT! Come back to the room itself, I have to say it worth much more than the price. Clean and convenient, and it's a two floors little apartment. I like the style very much. It's like a typical American style single young man's living design. This is a nice place all in all, and definitely I will come back here next week when I back to ShenZhen.
Svar från boendet: 感謝您的認可和點評,歡迎再次光臨^O^
Family Loft (2 Beds)
Bodde på feb. 2025
Res med vänner
8 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 17 mars 2025
Nice place to stay
James Gerhard
Duplex familjerum
Bodde på feb. 2024
30 recension
Publicerades 29 apr. 2024
Good location and nice host. Was perfect for a one night stay
Svar från boendet: thank you so much for your reconition and wish see you again^O^
Mysig Svit - 1-Rum (1 vardagsrum)
Bodde på juni 2024
14 recension
Publicerades 10 juli 2024
Good location , and good service 谢谢
Svar från boendet: 感謝您贈予毫不吝嗇的五顆小星星,願您如星星一般,閃耀而不孤單,在您的支持下,我們將持續努力!熱切的期待您再次光臨,祝您生活愉快!
Svar från boendet: 親大陸的房子面積不像香港是實際面積,會有公攤的,60平實際面積不到50,但還是很大的。我們高樓層房間在15樓以上,沒有小飛蟲啊,有的話您當時告訴我們我們可以拿殺蟲劑和蚊香過來的。在這裡是深圳的豪宅區,位置很好,我們的環境比不上五星級酒店,但價格性價比很高了。這也是我們這個房型第一次沒拿到五分,可能您要求太高了。
Svar från boendet: 您已經住了幾天了,臨時有事要求免費退房我們沒法答應,結果第二天下午3點多您就説您前一天手劃傷了要求我們賠償。住了幾天都沒事,沒答應您免費退房了您第二天就劃傷了。劃傷當時您就應該第一時間告訴我們,我們來給您處理,不知道為什麼第二天才告訴我們,我們實在不知道怎麼定性這個事情。最後還是退了您當天房費,但您還是要這樣點評,我們也盡力了。