För att säkerställa att de betyg som visas är äkta räknar vi inte bara ut ett genomsnitt. Vi tar även recensionens trovärdighet och gästens vistelsedatum i beaktande för att fastställa det slutgiltiga betyget.
No air conditioning and very smoky smell in the room, the door lock system is very complicated, totally no service at all
Svar från boendet: Dear customer, hello: The hotel rooms are equipped with hanging air conditioning. I'm not sure why you just said they don't have air conditioning? The door lock system is installed uniformly by the property management. The check-in information sent to you during check-in includes a door lock tutorial. Did you not see it? The front desk has always been manned, and the hotel front desk has not received any feedback from you! Seeing your review, I feel very heavy hearted. Unfortunately, I couldn't satisfy you and leave! When you check in, if you find any problems, you can raise them in a timely manner and we will solve them immediately. Thank you for choosing Perly Bay, and we wish you a happy life~~~
酒店樓下🈶中型商場 KK one ,好似🈶5層,地下底層就🈶比較多啲食店。 商場附近也🈶比較多街店食肆俾我哋選擇,購物或食嘢好方便😃
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的會員,很抱歉沒有讓您擁有滿意的體驗!房間問題給您帶來不便實在抱歉!我們會努力改進和持續完善,希望下次能給您創造美好的體驗環境,期待您的再次光臨!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的顧客您好!當天的接待您的時候不知道哪裡讓您覺得工作人員服務態度差?還是服務員説了什麼讓您覺得有冒犯到您?還請您明確指出?我們團購頁面有明確説明退房時間是12:00,入住訊息也有提示還請您理解!超時收費也屬於合理範圍的哦!客人下午14:00點以後需要辦理入住的,酒店保潔需要時間打掃房間的,還請您理解!很抱歉沒有讓您擁有滿意的體驗!
Rum i queensize
Bodde på juli 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 23 aug. 2024
入住體驗滿意,房間視野很好,有一點海景,最喜歡落地窗和大陽台,陽台上有洗衣機,訂的投影房,投影是酒店自帶酷喵的免費會員,不用自己買,片源庫豐富!音響效果很好,投影也很清晰!周圍出去逛街吃飯去地鐵站超級方便,樓下就是中洲灣,旁邊有個KK one 霸王茶姬奈雪喜茶星巴克都有,總之,美食購物應有盡有 !保潔打掃的很乾凈,生活用品一應俱全,管家服務熱情,樓下大堂有保安 安全 放心 推薦家人們入住哈!
Svar från boendet: 感謝客官對珀麗灣的高度讚揚,您的滿意是我們的驕傲,更是我們前進的動力,還請客官你繼續支持我們喲!
Tranquil Double Bed Room [Sky City Night View + Private Balcony + Fridge + Washing Machine]