22 september 2024
Hotel is not a vastly historic one but the building is pleasant and the rooms very much what you would expect in a 4 star hotel. Free parking is much appreciated. Now given the options for a meal are limited in the village, expect the hotel dinning to be busy. We had to book, not only to eat but we had to negotiate the time. We found the menu almost whimsical, with no clear distinction between courses. We were not allowed to see the sweets menu until we were needing it: so no chance of selecting a balanced meal. The staff appeared to walk quickly and be busy but I concluded it was inefficiency in action. Gaps in service throughout the meal and asking for some vegetables which never arrived was almost comical. With no server consistency it was left to the maitre d to spot the gaps and to prompt service. He appeared to earn his wages and was working very hard; sailing against the tide of motivation and inefficiency. On paying the bill, we pointed out to the waiter who took the order that we had not received the vegetables. His reply was a single comment that he had told the chef! This service was not repeated at breakfast time as it was a buffet. The food here was good and DIY service satisfactory. Other matters need to be addressed. The staff on reception were unwelcoming. Luggage can be dropped outside the door but the car has to be left in a lower car park. However the lane is narrow and the only real space to turn around was filled by the hotel's own minibus. I therfore had to back my hire car down and around the bend. The minibus should be removed and the space left to do a 3 point turn. In summary, the place is pleasant enough but management needs to get a grip, it could be so much better