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Jiajing Starry Sky Double Bed Room
Bodde på juli 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 16 aug. 2024
1. The staff members are very nice and helpful.
2. The food at breakfast is tasty but we stayed 5 days so the food got boring after day 2. I have stayed at previous hotels where the menu is a little different everyday. They should consider doing something like that. Also breakfast is always cold.
There is not much food options outside the hotel which caused us to travel to the main city to get dinner.
3. The room is nice and decent but they can improve on the cleanliness of the outside corridors/ hallway. If you pay attention you’ll see a lot of cobwebs out there. We also had cobwebs in our room over the lights.
Overall not bad. But they can do more for the price.
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, thank you very much for choosing to stay at Yuefeng Jiajing Hotel and for your recognition of the hotel. Your valuable feedback will definitely be strengthened and the hotel will improve its product quality. The hotel has a superior geographical location and complete facilities, including a swimming pool, gym, children's playground, book bar, laundry room, etc. The room control system is equipped with intelligent devices, making it cost-effective.
Bodde på okt. 2024
16 recension
Publicerades 26 dec. 2024
Clean and tidy rooms, helpful staff
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, thank you for choosing Yuefeng Jiajing Hotel. Your recognition and satisfaction are great encouragement to us. Your encouragement is the driving force of Jiajing people. We will continue to maintain our enthusiasm and good wishes. We look forward to your visit again!
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客您好,非常感謝您選擇入住悦豐佳境酒店!也感謝您提出的寶貴意見,酒店會考慮親子房多元化的佈置,讓每個入住親子房的小寶貝更加的喜愛,創造驚喜。早餐方面會根據不同季節提供豐富的食物,為賓客美好的旅途增添美食的享受,房間客控系統都是採用智能化的,窗簾也是電動調節的,窗簾多餘部分會進行整改,佳境酒店是依江而建的度假酒店,主打已庭院風格為主,一樓的房間均帶庭院,閑暇之時在庭院裏稍作休息喝茶聊天還是很愜意的,也是賓客們非常喜歡的房型,酒店地理位置也十分優越,離網紅景區心跳樂園,5A景區瑤琳仙境均2.5公里左右,跟亞運馬術場館更是隔江相望,邊上還配有充電樁,賓客電車充電非常方便,歡迎您有機會再來最美縣城桐廬休閑度假,祝您工作順利,生活愉快,闔家歡樂。
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客您好,非常感謝您選擇悦豐佳境酒店,酒店為了讓賓客有更好的住宿體驗,客房內都是採用智能化設備,電動馬桶沖水量是有閥門可以調節的,當時可能沖水量大導致濺出來了,酒店未能及時關注到,給您增添了麻煩,在此向您表示真誠的歉意。酒店已對客房電動馬桶沖水量做好檢查與調節,確保使用的舒適性與價值度,歡迎您有機會再來入住體驗,祝您工作順利,祝小朋友天天開心,快樂健康成長。