6 juni 2023
Ak sa chcete dobre vyspať, nechoďte tam. Steny sú tenké ako z papiera a počujete všetko, čo sa deje vo vedľajšej izbe. Napriek teplému počasiu sa v izbách a aj na chodbách kúrilo, horúčavu ste nešli ani vyvetrať. Čistota hotela tiež nebola veľmi dobrá, veľmi veľa pavučín a fľaky na textíliách. Personál bol šedý priemer. Jedinou výhodou hotela je jeho poloha - je blízko všetkým pamiatkam v meste. If you want a good night's sleep, don't come there. The walls are paper thin and you can hear everything going on in the next room. Despite the warm weather, the rooms and the corridors were heated, you couldn't even ventilate the heat. The cleanliness of the hotel was also not very good, a lot of cobwebs and stains on the textiles. The staff was average. The only advantage of the hotel is its location - it is close to all the sights in the city.