Simon P
10 december 2024
We stayed at the Quelle for a second time a few months ago. For a detailed review of the hotel, see my report entitled Get Here if You Can in September 2022 as this is mostly an update on things that we perceived to have changed both for better and for worse. Let’s start with the things for the worse: • Table water (i.e. tap water) is now charged for at almost €4 per bottle; this is a growing but unwelcome trend across luxury hotels and is one which I always find hard to justify, especially when the hotel has direct access to mountain water! • Toiletries – 2 years ago, these were provided in small user friendly tubes and bottles for each person to use or take away. They were provided by a local cosmetics company in Bruneck and were of very high quality. Now the cosmetics are in large bottles fixed to the wall and are of much less quality. Some will argue this is better for the environment but it remains a downward shift in quality • The prices of wine seem to have risen excessively, leaving it hard to find much under €40; we stuck to water (qv) Improvements • Our criticism above may seem petty but may yet represent a turning point but for the addition of the new SkySpa and lounges. This area offers 3 (textile free) saunas and superb heated pool with mountain views all around; there are lounges and terraces, all of which are filled with stunning natural light. A fantastic investment and – as yet – an area where there is more space than people! ( surprisingly, the original sauna world – which looks rather tired in comparison – is still more popular than the sky spa. One thing that certainly hasn’t changed is the quality of the staff and their personal service. As an example the all male waiter team got used to our wishes and requirements and never failed to be anything but charming, however awkward we were! In conclusion, this remains a fabulous and almost unique hotel. Change will happen and it may not please everyone every time, but as the generations evolve at the Quelle, it remains in good hands ( and we will be back in 2025!) PS once again I acknowledge Oleta Adams' inspiration for the title of this report!