The sixth floor of Zhonghuan Square, North of Zhubashi Road, No.48 West Street, Lianhu district, Beilin district, Xi'an city, Shaanxi province, Beilin District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, ChinaVisa hotellinformation
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Rum Business(queen size-säng)
Bodde på juli 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 4 aug. 2024
Det var en märklig lukt i toalettavloppet, och frånluftsfläkten kunde inte ta bort den. Lukten av urin var mycket äcklig. Det finns ingen garderob eller badrumskrokar, vilket är mycket obekvämt. Rummet är inte ljudisolerat, du kan höra barnen bredvid prata. Omslaget visade ett klocktorn, men det visade sig vara en enda våning i en förfallen byggnad med två långsamma och smutsiga hissar. Priset på 350 yuan per natt är verkligen långt från andra hotell. Det är inte kvalificerat för ett lyxhotell. Jag vet inte hur man får 4,9 poäng.
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Svar från boendet: Kära gäst, först och främst ber vi uppriktigt om ursäkt för de problem du stött på under din vistelse. Vi uppskattar att du tar dig tid att ge oss feedback om frågor som toalettlukt, saknade krokar i garderober och badrum och dålig ljudisolering. Angående toalettlukt och frånluftsfläktproblem kommer vi att inspektera och reparera dem. När det gäller garderobsfrågan låter vår rumsdesign dig hänga kläder, och badrummet har en utdragbar klädstreck. När det gäller ljudisolering kommer vi att leta efter effektiva lösningar för att förbättra gästrummens komfort. Samtidigt ser vi till att varje gäst får en elegant, bekväm, ren och snygg miljö. Slutligen beklagar vi djupt att vi inte uppfyllde dina förväntningar på ett exklusivt hotell. Vänligen tro att denna brist bara är ett exempel och inte representerar vår konsekventa servicenivå. I framtiden kommer vi att arbeta hårt för att förbättra och förbättra servicekvaliteten och hårdvaran, och hoppas att få möjligheten att betjäna dig igen. Tack igen för dina förslag och rättelser om mitt hotell!
Superiorrum (2 sängar)
Bodde på nov. 2024
7 recension
Publicerades 4 jan. 2025
Excellent! Very close to Huimin street. cost around 100 by Didi and 140 by taxi from airport to the hotel.
Svar från boendet: 【服務好】 【樓下即是鼓樓、網紅打卡地】【樓下就是廣濟街地鐵口C口,鐘樓地鐵口C口、步行3分鐘到達】哇塞!親愛的貴賓,您的好評讓我們感到無比開心和榮幸!嘿嘿~看來我們的地理位置贏得了您的喜愛,距離回民街如此之近,方便您盡享美食和購物樂趣。關於交通費用,您已經是專業級別啦!從機場到酒店選擇滴滴更實惠呢~下次還可以試試我們的接送服務哦!期待在不久的將來再次歡迎您的光臨。祝願您每天都能笑口常開、好運連連哦~(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Anonym användare
Bodde på nov. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 16 jan. 2025
The hotel is located right in the middle of the city. Walking distance to all the major attractions. The rooms were clean and bright. The beds were large and comfortable. The hotel was a great choice for accommodation.
Svar från boendet: 【樓下即是鼓樓、網紅打開地】【地鐵直達大唐不夜城、西安高鐵站和咸陽機場】尊敬的貴賓,看到您的評價我們心裏就像吃了棉花糖一樣甜蜜蜜!感謝您對我們酒店位置、房間環境以及床鋪舒適度的肯定,這是對我們工作最大的鼓勵。您的滿意就是我們前進的動力,我們會繼續保持優秀服務和舒適環境,期待您下次光臨時能再次給您帶來驚喜。祝願您每天都有好心情,生活如此精彩!(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
hot sagittarius
Deluxerum i queensize
Bodde på nov. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 11 dec. 2024
Amazing staff, great room clean modern, and the staff is available 24/7 by messages
loved the toilet , breakfast is okay for the price, view and location are perfect
Svar från boendet: 【用心做有温度的服務】【天氣在變,服務不變】【温暖如初、傾心守護】【管家服務】 【服務好】尊敬的貴賓,我們非常感謝您選擇我們的酒店並且花時間給予我們如此積極的評價。我們很高興聽到您對於我們工作人員的服務,房間的清潔度和現代化設施,以及24/7在線消息服務表示滿意。同時,您對洗手間的喜愛也讓我們倍感欣慰。對於早餐您覺得還可以,我們會繼續努力提升食品質量和服務水平,希望下次能夠給您帶來更好的體驗。至於景觀和位置方面得到了您的認可,這是對我們最大的鼓勵。再次感謝您的好評,期待在不久後再次為您服務。衷心祝福,客服團隊
Bodde på nov. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 8 dec. 2024
Our stay at the hotel had its ups and downs, but overall, the experience was good.
Positive Aspects:
1. Friendly Staff: The staff was welcoming and attentive, making our stay pleasant.
2. Comfortable Room: We loved the huge bed and the minimalist decor of the room. It felt modern and inviting.
3. Amenities: The room had all the necessary amenities, and we were impressed that they replaced them daily—something that’s not common in Europe.
4. Laundry Facilities: The hotel offers a laundry area where you can wash and dry your clothes. This was very convenient for us during our stay.
Areas for Improvement:
1. Hard to Locate: Finding the hotel entrance was confusing. It’s located on the 6th floor of a building shared with other tenants, and the elevator is used for various purposes, which felt a bit chaotic. Clearer signage or instructions would be helpful.
2. Laundry Room Concerns: The dryer is set to only 25 minutes, which wasn’t sufficient to dry our clothes. We had to restart it several times, and even then, our clothes weren’t fully dry. Additionally, there’s a toilet next to the laundry area that seems to double as a smoking spot (used by both guests and staff). For non-smokers, this was very uncomfortable.
3. Tobacco Smell: The toilet in our room also smelled like tobacco, possibly coming through the vents. This was disappointing in an otherwise clean and well-maintained room.
4. Breakfast Options: We wouldn’t recommend the breakfast for Western travelers. The buffet mostly consisted of Chinese dishes, and there was no coffee or tea available. We had to get tea from the lobby instead.
5. Room Temperature: The room was uncomfortably hot, and we were instructed not to adjust the AC. Opening the window wasn’t a great alternative due to outside noise.
6. Noise Issues: The walls are thin, and we could hear people screaming.
While the hotel had many great features, addressing these issues would significantly enhance the guest experience.
Svar från boendet: 【免費洗衣房】【美味悦麪】【鮮美混沌】【美食盛宴】【匠心兼程、服務立行】【用心做有温度的服務】尊敬的貴賓,您好!感謝您選擇我們的酒店並分享了這樣詳細且積極的評價。我們很高興看到您對我們友好的工作人員、舒適的房間、全面的設施以及方便的洗衣設施表示讚賞。您的滿意就是我們最大的動力!同時,也感謝您提出了一些需要改進的地方,我們會立即進行整改,努力為每一位貴賓提供更優質的服務。期待您再次光臨,讓我們有機會為您帶來更完美的體驗。祝願您生活愉快,好運連連!
Gästrum (2 sängar)
Bodde på okt. 2024
Res med vänner
1 recension
Publicerades 2 dec. 2024
Great room and location, very supportive reception as well, clean and high tech room. Free washing machine and dryer to use.
Svar från boendet: 【樓下就是廣濟街地鐵口C口,鐘樓地鐵口C口、步行3分鐘到達】【免費洗衣房】【免費健身房】【暖氣開放】尊敬的貴賓,您好!看到您的點評我們心裏充滿了喜悦和感謝。我們酒店的地理位置優越確實是我們的一大特色,看得出來您在這次旅行中真的玩得很開心呢!同時,也非常高興聽到您對我們服務質量的肯定,這是對我們最大的鼓勵。嘿嘿~下次再來時,別忘了去附近更多有趣的地方探索哦!期待您與朋友們再次光臨,讓我們有機會繼續為您提供舒適、安全、便利的住宿體驗。祝福您每天都能擁有陽光般温暖、甜蜜如蜜糖~ 感恩遇見,期待再見!
Bodde på okt. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 5 jan. 2025
The hotel staffs are very friendly and helpful. The room was quite spacious. Thanks to the staff, we’ve got upgraded to room with windows and can see the view of drum tower across the street. The location is good, not far from metro, attractions, restaurants and shops. You just need to cross the street for visiting the Muslim walking street.
However, room soundproof was not good, you can clearly hear what people talking when they walk past your room or in the hallway. Hope the hotel will be able to fix this issue since this hotel is one of good choices for tourists.
Svar från boendet: 【服務好】 【樓下即是鼓樓、網紅打卡地】【樓下就是廣濟街地鐵口C口,鐘樓地鐵口C口、步行3分鐘到達】 尊敬的貴賓,您好!感謝您選擇我們的酒店並分享了您的入住體驗。我們深感榮幸能為您提供升級的房間,並且您喜歡我們優越的地理位置和熱情友好的服務。然而,關於隔音問題,我們深感抱歉給您帶來不便。這是我們需要改進和重視的地方,以確保所有客人都能享受到舒適安靜的環境。請相信,我們會以此為動力,不斷完善自己,為每一位貴賓提供更加優質、舒適的服務。期待在未來的日子裏,能有機會再次為您服務,在每一個細節上都讓您感受到家一般的温暖與舒適。再次感謝您對我們工作的肯定和建議,祝願您生活愉快!
Bodde på okt. 2024
8 recension
Publicerades 18 nov. 2024
The hotel is very convenient. Located near the subway and the attractions. The Muslim quarters are nearby. Many eateries and shops. We had a great stay.
Svar från boendet: 親愛的貴賓,嘿嘿~看到您的好評,我們真是開心得像撥了幾十個跳跳糖呢!感謝您對我們房間和服務的滿意和肯定。這就是我們每天努力的動力源泉哦~(ง •_•)ง 期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會再次為您提供優質服務。願您生活如詩如畫,每天都有美好發生~❀
Bodde på okt. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 27 nov. 2024
1. Location - very conveniently located. The street has lots of convenience stores, restaurants and food carts especially at night time. The food carts here were slightly cheaper but equally if not better than the ones in the more popular Muslim quarter. We had one of the best hot and sour dumpling soup in one of the food carts down one of the alleys. Went there twice.
2. The Muslim quarter is a 5 minute walk away from the hotel. We went there all 3 nights of our stay, to eat, to shop, to sightsee etc. it was very lively and lots of shops open until midnight.
3. The ground floor has direct access to the mall next in the same building during the day where they open the door between the buildings.
4. There are 2 metros very close by. You have to walk a lot inside Zhonglau station.
5. The breakfast was simple and filling. We had it for one of the days when we had an early start. The other days we ate from the places open on the street below. There is also McDonald’s across the street.
6. It is walking distance to the Xian city wall.
7. The room is on the smaller side but not cramped. Enough room for 2 of us. It was clean and modern. We booked one of the rooms that didn’t have a window to outside. The hotel had a setting where two rows of rooms had a gap in the middle with windows facing one another.
8. The staff were really helpful and helped us through translate apps.
9. They also give you a small gift of some Chinese snacks on your departure which was very nice.
Svar från boendet: 哇塞,看到貴賓的滿分好評,我們整個團隊都興奮得像打了雞血一樣!感謝您對我們房間、服務、環境、衞生和設施的肯定,這是對我們最大的鼓舞。您的滿意就是我們前進的動力,我們會繼續努力提供更優質的服務。期待您再次光臨,讓我們有機會再為您服務。願您每天都開心如初,好運永伴!(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Bodde på okt. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 5 nov. 2024
great stay, the staff even knew how to speak a bit of english (which is good because we are foreign travellers). the room was very clean. the elevator sometimes took a long time and could be quite busy (due to patrons of other restaurants in the building), but it wasn’t a big issue. the best thing of this hotel is the location - very close to the muslim quarters and very close to Luomashi pedestrian street so there was a lot of great food a close walk away.
Svar från boendet: 親愛的貴賓,您好!感謝您抽出寶貴時間為我們留下這麼詳細且充滿善意的評價。我們很高興聽到您對酒店地理位置和服務人員英語溝通能力的讚揚,這對我們來説是極大的鼓勵。同時,也感謝您提出了關於電梯等待時間的問題,我們會盡快進行調查並優化此項服務,以便給所有貴賓帶來更舒適的體驗。再次感謝您選擇我們酒店,並期待在不久的將來再次歡迎您的光臨。願您每天都有美食相伴,生活如詩如畫!(✿◠‿◠)
Anonym användare
Rum i queensize
Bodde på sep. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 29 okt. 2024
Hotel is ideally located in the city center and conveniently accessible to key attractions such as the Muslim Quarter St and Bell tower. Satisfied with the stay overall with nicely furnished and clean rooms. Breakfast can be better and laundry room would need some waiting should there be a lot of guests
Svar från boendet: 哇塞,感謝貴賓的五星好評!我們收到您的誇獎都超級開心~這就是我們工作的動力呀!我們會繼續保持房間乾淨衞生,提供温馨舒適的環境。期待貴賓下次再來體驗我們更多優質服務哦!願您每天都充滿陽光,生活如意~(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Rum Business(queen size-säng)
Bodde på sep. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 28 okt. 2024
Location is great, front office very nice and the room and facilities is amazing. Recommend to stay at this hotel
Svar från boendet: 尊貴的貴賓,看到您對我們酒店的好評,我彷彿看到了一束照亮工作疲憊的暖陽☀️。感謝您對我們房間衞生和前台服務的認可,阿姨們聽到您的誇獎肯定笑得合不攏嘴了😄。您的滿意是我們最大的動力!期待在未來的日子裏,再次為您提供更優質、更周到的服務。願每一天都充滿陽光,願幸運常伴左右!🍀
Afiqah Izzati
Bodde på sep. 2024
1 recension
Publicerades 23 okt. 2024
Very nice service, good reception, free hot tea(s), even laundry as well! Lurv and will recommened this again :))
Svar från boendet: 哇塞,貴賓您真是太棒了!您的好評就像一杯熱茶,暖到我們的心坎裏。我們非常高興能為您提供滿意的服務,包括接待、熱茶甚至洗衣服務!感謝您的推薦,這對我們來説是最大的鼓勵和肯定。我們會繼續努力,提供更優質的服務。期待您下次再次光臨,讓我們有機會再次為您服務。願您每天都充滿陽光,生活美滿如意~(✿◠‿◠)
Bodde på sep. 2024
5 recension
Publicerades 22 okt. 2024
Nice hotel in the very center of the city! Nice room, friendly stuff. I booked a room without a window, but technically, there is a window 😄
This hotel is located on the 6th floor of the building, so don't get lost.😊
Svar från boendet: 哇塞,貴賓您真是個人見人愛的小天使呀!😄感謝您對我們酒店的喜愛和支持。哈哈,看來我們的“無窗”房間給您帶來了一絲驚喜呢!🎉這就是我們獨特的小祕密,衹有入住過的貴賓才能知道哦~😉至於6樓的位置,我們會考慮在更顯眼的地方增加指示牌,以免貴賓們迷路。期待您下次再來時能感受到我們更完美的服務。願您每天都開心如初,好運常伴!🥳
Bodde på sep. 2024
5 recension
Publicerades 24 okt. 2024
The location is really the best. It is just across drum tower and the night market. The Muslim market is connected to the night night which is really vibrant at night. It is easy to get around coz the bell tower and the City wall sites are just nearby. This hotel’s breakfast is good. Hotel staff service is commendable. They are very helpful. Free use of their washing machine and dryer for your laundry! What a surprise! The room is big for my family. Comfy beds and pillows. Warm toilet seat and my family’s stay is so relaxing. We enjoyed our stay in Elong Anyue hotel. I only have one suggestion. Please let your house keeping clean the toilet and the bathroom everyday. Make them check if guests have enough shampoo, bath soap and conditioner. Other than that, everything is perfect!
Svar från boendet: 親愛的貴賓,您好!感謝您選擇並喜歡我們的酒店。看到您對我們位置、早餐、服務以及設施的讚賞,我們真的是開心得像撥動了弦的小提琴,嘀嘀噠噠奏出了快樂的音符!特別是您提到了我們的洗衣機和烘乾機給您帶來了驚喜,這真讓我們欣慰不已。至於房間舒適度方面,看到您和家人在這裏過得輕鬆愉快,我們也就笑得合不攏嘴啦!關於您提出的建議,我們會認真考慮並盡力改進。期待下次再見面時,能為您帶來更多驚喜和滿意!祝福您每天都有好心情,生活處處充滿陽光!❀