Simple Capsule Home (Xi'an Shu Yuan Men) recensioner
Simple Capsule Home (Xi'an Shu Yuan Men)
Near Nanmenpan Road (Cultural and Art Street), Beilin District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710001, ChinaVisa hotellinformation
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40 recension
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Aaron Filler
Deluxe Room (Shared bathroom)
Bodde på jan. 2024
24 recension
Publicerades 6 apr. 2024
The lady that runs it is nice and friendly, the location is very good, and it is very cheap. At the end of the day its a bed for the night so will do the job.
However, it's nothing like most of the photos (see my photos for proof). It says there's 2 bathrooms but the 'second' is only accessed through the owner's bedroom and only has a toilet, the public one wasn't that nice and had some queues even in quiet season. Freezing cold showers when its -3°c outside were awful. The capsule is big enough, although don't expect any soundproofing, and the bed is basically a thin mat so not comfortable at all. It was hard to find; you have to call the owner to give you directions and let you in (I don't have a Chinese phone number so had to ask some kind strangers), and didn't get a response to messages I sent in advance asking for access code. Some of the 4-5* reviews here are clearly for different hotels (as seen by pics) so overall rating should be lower imo.
Its difficult because its clear the lady is running this in her home and it's her livelihood, and she is very sweet, so I don't want to critique it too much, but honestly wouldn't stay again. You're literally staying in her apartment (that's been 'converted' by adding some capsules). It's very 'simple' as the title suggests, so I didn't have high expectations, but it is not as advertised in pictures, hard to find and an uncomfortable stay. It's fine for a night or two but I stayed 4 and would rather have payed a few yuan extra to stay somewhere nicer. Honestly, 2/5 is generous I'm sorry.
Svar från boendet: 您反應的問題有很多都是由於您個人的問題才引起的誤會,第一,洗澡我們24小時提供熱水,您自己不會操作,把開關打到冷水的方向,換一個方向就會出熱水,您不會調您可以問老闆,老闆住在店裡,隨時都可以為您解決問題。第二,您自己到中國旅遊,電話打不了中國電話,您自己可以通過攜程後台留言,也可以通過攜程客服聯繫我們。第三,老闆和大家一起住呢在太空艙,既能方便收拾衞生,更能很好的為大家服務,保證大家的安全。第四,兩個衞生間,做到乾濕分離,有人洗澡的時候,另一個同時還能上衞生間,吹頭髮,更合理的利用衞生間。第五,您選擇的就是太空艙青年旅舍,大家共用衞生間,您預訂的又不是單間,稍微等待一下很正常,不能因為您是外國人,正在使用衞生間的人就應該馬上讓給您使用,在我們這裏大家都去平等的,每位住店的客人我們一視同仁。就這樣吧,我們店開了十年了,您反應的有些問題不是我們的問題,而是您自己的問題,溝通很重要,您住在幾天都不和店家溝通,走了説些有的沒的問題,完全是誤解,再次強調,我家洗澡熱水24小時供應!
Deluxe Room (Shared bathroom)
Bodde på mars 2023
2 recension
Publicerades 28 apr. 2023
Excelent and affordable place to live but the only problem is its was very hard to find the location .. its was on the 2nd floor while i was searching on the street.. overall the it was very clean and very good … the boss was very friendly … very nice lady ..
Svar från boendet: 謝謝您的好評!可能是由於您是外國朋友,已經到我們樓下了,不知道如何上樓。好在加了微信,我下樓帶您上來。謝謝您對我的誇獎,謝謝您體驗太空艙!
Budget Capsule Room (Room rate calculated per person, shared bathroom)
Bodde på apr. 2024
23 recension
Publicerades 8 juni 2024
Really good place to stay for every period
Budget Capsule Room (Room rate calculated per person, shared bathroom)
Bodde på mars 2023
37 recension
Publicerades 9 juli 2023
There are too many people sleeping in this place to only have a small bathroom for 30 or more of them.
Svar från boendet: 我家一共衹有20個太空艙,最多住20人,兩個衞生間,大家依次錯行使用,您是4月底(五一假期)入住的,剛好是中國的一個黃金假期,所以住的人多,就因為位置好,交通便利,加上太空艙又是獨立私密空間,所以大家都過來選擇住我家,感謝大家的信任與支持!
Budget Capsule Room (Room rate calculated per person, shared bathroom)
Bodde på apr. 2024
23 recension
Publicerades 8 juni 2024
Dirty place
Svar från boendet: 為什麼不滿意五月份還一直在我家下單?下單就下單吧,每單還給低分評價?我家歡迎願意入住喜歡太空艙的客人,雙向選擇,不喜歡勿下單,雙方各自安好!
Svar från boendet: 非常感謝您的好評!跟着網上地址導航能準確的到達我店所在街道,抬頭就能看到我店窗户上的黃色招牌,再往東走十米從🈳🈳油畫工作室左拐十米再左拐博雅畫框上二樓,直對樓梯204室,加微信獲取密碼即可開門入住。
Budget Capsule Room (Room rate calculated per person, shared bathroom)
Bodde på mars 2024
9 recension
Publicerades 8 apr. 2024
La relación calidad precio de este alojamiento es muy buena. Yo llegué a las 2 de la mañana y me atendieron muy amablemente. Las instalaciones son muy aceptables si tenemos en cuenta que se trata de un alojamiento muy básico, con intimidad y taquilla privada. Muy recomendable para quien busque este tipo de alojamiento. En mi caso lo elegí porque solo iba a estar 5 horas. Buena opción para mochileros.
Svar från boendet: 非常感謝您的五星好評!感謝您對我們的認可!我家店在西安的位置很好,很方便旅遊的客人,一個人,或者是和小夥伴一起,出行公交地鐵都很方便,關鍵是距離旅遊景點很近,鐘樓,鼓樓,城牆,書院門,博物館……一人一個獨立私密空間,互相聯繫又獨立,手機充電也很方便!
Marceau YT DF
Budget Capsule Room (Room rate calculated per person, shared bathroom)
Bodde på jan. 2024
7 recension
Publicerades 13 feb. 2024
Une salle de bain pour une quinzaine de personne, lieu difficile à trouver quand on ne parle pas chinois
Svar från boendet: 我家民宿是小民宿,不是大酒店,上下鋪式的太空艙每個艙住一個人,雖然是和其他人共處一室,但是每個人都有獨立私密的空間。提供24小時熱水淋浴,行李寄存。經濟實惠,位置很好,可以幫您節約來回景區的時間。
Svar från boendet: 枕頭我今年五一才換的新的,包括床單被套,這些東西我們做到一客一換,並且都是我自己洗,客人應該看到我每天中午客人退房後,我換布草,然後每天洗幾桶,門外過道還有我專門晾布草的地方都晾滿了,現在是旺季,每天客人都很多,晚上大家輪流洗漱,衞生間使用高峯期,來不及每個客人用後收拾。衹要沒人,衹要我在店裡都會打擾一下。您説的洗漱用品沒有,但是又説洗髮水沐浴露用的不方便,那説明您説錯了,不是沒有洗漱用品,是有的,還是免費提供給大家的。青旅本來就是提倡大家低碳環保出行,自帶洗漱用品,如果忘記帶了,我們也貼心給大家提供免費的洗髮水沐浴露,牙刷牙膏,洗手液,洗衣粉,小香皂等。西安素有四大火爐之稱,店裡空調是23小時開放(中午打掃衞生通風換氣會關閉一小時左右),這個製冷效果不如酒店包間的效果,請大家慎拍,如果特別介意,一定要16度的客人請選擇其他酒店。謝謝大家的支持!如果您下了訂單,到店不滿意,直接選擇退單退款,我們也會配合您的!不要勉強住太空艙,您受罪,也給我們造成困擾!