15 februari 2024
我在入住的第一天 在淋浴時 淋浴房的玻璃門突然爆裂 ,碎玻璃片傷到我的手臂 以及腳,流血不止,打了前台五次電話有人到我房間;情況非常危險⚠️,並且沒有對我做任何賠償及正式道歉。總體感覺非常差勁;而且該品牌設施不合格 存在巨大危險,如果玻璃碎片割到我的動脈 也許就很快暈倒了,如果你不幸一定要入住這家希爾頓 一定要小心他們的浴室玻璃門。總之是一次非常不愉快的且有生命危險⚠️的入住體驗,我不知道該如何維護我的權益,他們似乎一點也不在乎。希望不會給我的手臂和腳留下傷疤。
The hotel shower room glass door suddenly broken when i was showering ,the broken glasses hurt my arms and feet ,I was keeping blooding lots and after the 5th call to the reception deck ,some one come to my room to help me ; just 1or 2 mm the glasses will broken my main blood aorta,which can be vital disaster . And it seems they feel okay with their shower glass door ,but actually which can be super dangerous,be careful if you still dare to live in this Hilton . I don’t know how to protect my rights from them ,it seems they don’t care and don’t realized it is their problem at all . Disappointed to the Hilton brand . And it is the spring jew year holiday ,and the next day I get meeting ,which really kind of destroy my day and my trips ,hope there will be no scares remain on my arms and feet ;