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Mystery Tatami Audio-Visual Double Bed Room With Scenic Bathtub
Bodde på nov. 2024
8 recension
Publicerades 26 dec. 2024
The view from the room and the rooftop is amazing. The slide from the 2nd to 1st floor was a great highlight for my girl. She uses it every time we go downstairs. There's also a play area, a piano, a little animal corner, and lots of activities for the children. We love that there is free teatime buffet and also free dessert at night! The hotel also helped to arrange some sightseeing activities at a cheaper rate. The hotel is near to many of the sightseeing locations.
The only drawback is that the hotel is far inside a winding alley so we have to stop outside (at the main road) and use a buggy everytime we come back. But the staff are always very helpful to send us out and bring us in, no matter how late. Thank you very much for the memorable stay!
Svar från boendet: Thank you for your recommends. we all glad to hear that you got a wonderful memorable here. The hotel locate near Ten mile Gallery ,this area is surrounded by beautiful mountains , and a peace river stream out of the yard. Our little animal corner feeds alpacas 、rabbits and peacock , they play with you everyday. There are many facilities in and out doors just like the slide 、 sands 、swing and children- book etc. Looking for your next coming !
LOFT barnlik förälder-barn svit
Bodde på nov. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 15 dec. 2024
My family stayed at Metown hotel for three nights and it’s been a great experience!
The staff is very nice, friendly and very helpful!
The rooms is 100% as pictured on the site, very clean and cozy! The weather was a bit cold, so we used the ac for heating and it worked perfectly! Also, there are washing machines with driers on the roof, which is a very important facility for families with kids!
The view of the mountains is breathtaking from the roof!
We had a set breakfast on Friday morning, and buffet breakfast on the weekend! Nice selection, suitable for all the age groups!
The hotel has lots of amenities for kids: a little farm with cutest alpacas, bunnies and pigeons, a sand pit, indoor playground and even a little library! Also, there is a huge slide in the middle, which was fun to ride as our room was on the second floor!
The hotel is located in a quiet neighborhood, with little cafes and bike rentals around!
My kids received gifts when we were leaving!
Great and unforgettable experience! We would definitely come back to stay there again!
Svar från boendet: 【親子酒店】【小童滑滑梯】【萌寵餵養】親愛的蜜棠家人,很榮幸您與蜜棠酒店共同度過了一段美好時光,酒店貼心、細緻的服務,給客人以家的温暖❤️❤️❤️一直是我們的追求,在入住過程中,不管您有什麼需求,都會盡自己最大的努力滿足每一位入住的客人,我們一樓有【泳池、鞦韆、滑梯、沙池】等一系列的小童玩樂空間,酒店多種遊樂設施,讓小朋友可以盡情的享受屬於在蜜棠的美好時光。我們六樓有免費的自助洗衣房,洗衣機、烘乾機、洗衣液、晾衣架都為家人們準備好,自助也可以如同在家一般方便哦。真是愛在陽朔難以離開,蜜棠是您在陽朔最美、最温暖的家,歡迎下次再回家哦~
Ming Chuen
Xi Le Scenic View Double Bed Room With Scenic Bathtub
Bodde på okt. 2024
9 recension
Publicerades 24 feb. 2025
Great service, quiet location, a lot of children friendly facilities.
Staffs are helpful, and rooms are well maintained.
Will recommend to others
Svar från boendet: 【24小時管家服務】【親子手工活動】【萌寵餵養】親愛的蜜棠家人,感謝您抽出寶貴時間分享您的入住體驗!我們非常高興得知您和家人在我們的酒店度過了愉快的時光。您的滿意是我們最大的動力。我們也非常重視服務質量和細節,希望每一位客人都能感受到家一般的温暖。酒店位於【十里畫廊】旁邊的村莊,出行到周邊景區【交通非常方便】,附近的【景區和遊玩項目豐富】:大榕樹、月亮山、金水巖、如意峯、青厄渡碼頭、萬景碼頭、直升機、熱氣球、騎馬、探洞、攀巖……窗外是遇龍河的支流金寶河,對面是連綿起伏的青山,正所謂的綠水青山都可以透過一扇窗而擁有,真是遠山近水映入眼簾。環境優渥,氣候宜人。對於您提到的小童活動區和周邊景點,我們感到十分欣慰能夠為家庭客人提供一個充滿樂趣的環境。酒店設計簡潔大方,一樓有波波池、滑梯、沙池、鞦韆等【小童遊樂設施】,還有繪本可以借閲,户外的露天泳池以及水上滑滑梯也是一大亮點呢。村莊裡麪的農家餐廳也是相當美味可口呢,進出都可以乘坐我們【免費接駁車】。酒店包含了早餐,傳統的桂林米粉搭配炒飯炒粉瘦肉粥南瓜餅春捲蔬菜沙拉之類的點心,也還有糕點,麪包,水果,咖啡,酸奶自助選擇,讓你美美的一天從蜜棠的早餐開始!【下午茶】每天還有精美的【美味小蛋糕】,【新鮮水果】,【現磨咖啡】,不限量酸奶供您選擇,不重複的暖心【晚安甜品】緩解您一天的疲憊!再次感謝您的肯定與支持!期待不久的將來再次為您服務。
Youmu Forest Twin Room
Bodde på okt. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 24 nov. 2024
Had a wonderful stay here. The hotel is very child friendly with a nice pool, playground and indoor playground. They also have daily activities and Thea with snacks at 1600.
Staff is very attentive and even send desert to the room. The hotel is close to multiple tourist sights like the bamboo boating on the Yulong river just at the foot of the village.
Great value. Recommended!
Svar från boendet: 【陽朔親子酒店】【萌寵餵養】【免費洗衣房】簡單的話語無不流露真情,遙遠的距離無不送去真摯的祝福,感謝您的選擇,蜜棠一直致力於將最好的陽朔山水風景和貼心熱情服務提供給客人,讓客人旅途中的身體和心靈得到充分的休憩。酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴、……【遊樂設施豐富】。每天我們都有新鮮又富有顏值的【營養早餐】,傳統的桂林米粉搭配炒飯炒粉瘦肉粥南瓜餅春捲蔬菜沙拉之類的點心,讓你美美的一天從蜜棠的早餐開始!【下午茶】每天還有精美的【美味小蛋糕】,【新鮮水果】,【現磨咖啡】,不限量酸奶供您選擇,暖心的【晚安甜品】緩解您一天的疲憊!您的滿意是我們最好的鼓勵,歡迎您常回蜜棠看我們,祝您每天都有陽光般的好心情!
Christina Udodik
Mystery Tatami Audio-Visual Double Bed Room With Scenic Bathtub
Bodde på juli 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 15 aug. 2024
Nice family hotel, the stuff helped us with all our questions and inquires, arranged horse riding and wood workshop.
Svar från boendet: Thank you for your comming ,and attention the activities .waiting for your next comming.非常感謝您對蜜棠酒店的喜愛,感恩遇見,你們來的時候剛好是七夕,我們舉行了有意思的七夕小活動。後來還體驗了騎馬和店裡的木工活動,小朋友都很喜歡,蜜棠的小夥伴們樂意為家人們效勞。期待你們一家有空再回蜜棠哦~非常感謝您選擇入住我們芒果旅宿蜜棠度假酒店,並分享您的入住感受。我們小管家真誠【貼心的服務】,希望您在蜜棠的每一天都像在家一樣温馨和親切,歡迎有空常回蜜棠哦,6樓室內自助洗衣房,出行可以解放雙手。酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴……【遊樂設施豐富】。我們還有【萌寵】蜜蜜和棠棠哦,還有2隻害羞的孔雀。蜜蜜和棠棠每天都會和家人們互動哦,可以給它們【餵食】也可以和他們【親密合照】呢。 每天會有提供新鮮又富有顏值的【營養早餐】,【下午茶甜品】,【美味小蛋糕】,【新鮮水果】,【現磨咖啡】,不限量酸奶供您選擇,暖心的【晚安甜品】,歡迎有空常回蜜棠哦,期待您和小朋友的再次光臨!
Mystery Tatami Audio-Visual Double Bed Room With Scenic Bathtub
Bodde på maj 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 26 juni 2024
The hotel was in touch with me even before the visit to make sure I didn’t need anything. They arranged transportation to lunch, helped order dinner, and had plenty of activities for the kids. We highly enjoyed ourselves and will stay again with family and friends.
Svar från boendet: Hey Tchafikah, nice to meet you !we are so happy that you have fun here , waiting for your next coming with your family and friends. Best regards~ 很高興認識你們,聽説你們喜歡蜜棠我們很開心,期待您和家人、朋友的再次光臨!祝安好~
Picky Nick
Youmu Forest Twin Room
Bodde på mars 2024
6 recension
Publicerades 7 apr. 2024
Very nice surroundings and interior. Great breakfast, animals like lammas, peacocks, rabbits. A swimming pool for kids with an original design.
Personnel speaks English well, responsive and helpful 👍
Svar från boendet: 【免費下午茶】【河景露台房】【羊駝餵養】走進蜜棠,歡度一段美好時光,非常感謝您給我們的5分好評。我們小管家真誠【貼心的服務】,希望您在蜜棠的每一天都像在家一樣温馨和親切,酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴、……【遊樂設施豐富】。蜜棠地處【十里畫廊】,出行周邊景區都比較方便,酒店對面就是大榕樹景區,離我們1公里就是工農橋,月亮山、金水巖、如意峯車程都15分鐘就能到,【交通非常便利】。酒店有免費停車場,還有免費的接駁車接送酒店到停車場的距離,停車場還有充電樁。每天有可口的早餐,還有免費下午茶和晚安甜品。六樓有免費的自助洗衣房,洗衣機、烘乾機、洗衣液、晾衣架都為家人們準備好,自助也可以如同在家一般方便哦。期待您和家人有空常回蜜棠~羊駝蜜蜜和糖糖等您哦!
Perfect family hotel. Room is very comfortable and modern. Kids play area and swimming pool is awesome.
Svar från boendet: 【户外泳池】【積木樂園】【免費下午茶】首先蜜棠全體小夥伴向您表示最誠摯的感謝!我們非常榮幸能夠成為您美好回憶的一部分。得知您和家人對我們整體體驗感到滿意,特別是小童遊樂區和泳池設施得到了您的高度評價,這對我們意義非凡。您的認可不僅是我們不斷前進的動力,也是對我們服務理念的最佳肯定。我們將持續致力於提升住宿環境和服務質量,確保每位入住的家人都能享受帶温馨如家般的體驗。希望在不久的將來還能有機會歡迎您及您的家人再度光臨蜜棠,讓我們繼續為您創造更多快樂時刻!
Gästrum - med Utsikt (2 sängar) (Balkong, badkar)
Bodde på dec. 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 27 jan. 2025
Staff is very friendly and considerate.
Svar från boendet: 【觀景陽台】【24小時管家服務】【羊駝餵羊】親愛的蜜棠家人,感謝您的好評!我們很高興您對我們的服務感到滿意。我們會繼續努力,提供更好的體驗給您和您的家人。【免費下午茶】下午茶精緻且美味,有水果、飲料、點心、糕點......我們酒店位於陽朔核心景區十里畫廊內,門口就是遇龍河的支流金寶河,超大絕美天台打卡景,落地窗,陽台房,視野開闊,碧綠河流,青松高山盡收眼底。斜對面就是大榕樹景區,在房間就能看到大榕樹景區的竹筏劃過,距酒店1公里就是工農橋,月亮山、金水巖、如意峯車程都15分鐘便能抵達,【交通非常便利】。酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴,以及我們每天下午都有免費的手工親子活動,畫灕江石,刮刮畫,DIY粘土,扭扭棒等小管家帶着一起互動,讓小朋友體驗動手的樂趣,也還可以免費餵養我們萌萌的小羊駝,美麗的孔雀,可愛的小兔子.......【遊樂設施豐富】。美麗的時光總是如此短暫,讓人捨不得説再見,感謝這份緣分,我們會倍加珍惜。期盼與您下次相見。
wonderful hotel, we booked the family suite with 2 rooms. everything is great, and lots to do for the kids. all 5 stars for the price we paid which was only around $2.4k since its Xmas which is now forbidden to be celebrate in China, lol. I reckon the price could have been double or triple during high peak and may not get the same 5 stars considering the cost value. The kids could have just stay in the hotel for days, the only thing is we could enjoy the nice pool with slider when visiting in winter time.
Svar från boendet: 非常感謝您入住蜜棠度假酒店度過聖誕節,並分享您的寶貴體驗感受。我們小管家希望用真誠的服務,換取您在蜜棠的每一天上午温馨和舒適。酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴、……【遊樂設施豐富】。我們每天為家人們準備下午茶,晚上會給每間房準備晚安甜品。過年期間,為了讓小朋友們可以放鬆一天的疲憊,特意準備了室內電影和觀影小零食。蜜棠地處【十里畫廊】,出行周邊景區都比較方便,酒店對面就是大榕樹景區,離我們1公里就是工農橋,月亮山、金水巖、如意峯車程都15分鐘就能到,【交通非常便利】。酒店有免費停車場,還有充電樁。六樓有免費的自助洗衣房,洗衣機、烘乾機、洗衣液、晾衣架都為家人們準備好,自助也可以如同在家一般方便哦。酒店還升級了樓頂的期待您和家人有空常回蜜棠~羊駝蜜蜜和糖糖等你哦!祝您和家人新年快樂 ~萬事如意
Wilderness River-View Starry Twin Room With 270° Glass And Pool-View Tub
Bodde på nov. 2023
5 recension
Mycket bra
Publicerades 27 dec. 2023
great services and facilities. it's a children friendly place . located in a beautiful area.
Svar från boendet: Thank you for all your recommendations. We look forward to your next coming! All the best~
Youmu Forest Twin Room
Bodde på aug. 2023
18 recension
Publicerades 22 sep. 2023
One of the best Mishu or boutique hotel we ever stayed. Hotel added us to WeChat group 2 days prior to arrival and so we were well informed on route, services and facilities of the hotel.
Ideal for family with young children as they have a small animal farm, a pool with slides, a sand playground as well as other facilities suitable for young children.
Adults have 3 meals to look forward to, breakfast, high tea and supper; with supper being delivered to you.
Room is big with a bath tub on the side.
The location, although a little bit in, is perfect as it’s neat the ending point of the bamboo river rafts.
Service was impressive with the reception doing their best to help especially when they know you are a foreigner.
All in, highly recommended.
Svar från boendet: 親愛的蜜棠家人,非常感謝您的好評,鼓舞我們繼續努力,爭取為家人們提供更優質的服務。非常感謝您的分享哦~我們坐落在十里畫廊景區,從設計之初就定位於打造一個充滿自然野趣的親子空間,一樓有泳池、鞦韆、滑梯、沙池等一系列的小童玩樂空間,滿足寶貝們的童趣私心,小朋友們放開的玩個夠,幾何方塊的牆面設計、錯落有致的階梯、交錯的光影建築,拍照也特別有感覺哦,等着您秀一下大片呢。酒店初衷是讓您釋放雙手讓孩子們盡享童趣,沙坑、滑梯、鞦韆、卡通積木、小童繪本、還有兩衹萌寵羊駝寶寶亦是庭院裏最受歡迎的玩伴,酒店的明星,蜜蜜和糖糖很喜歡和小朋友玩的哦。歡迎您常回陽朔的“家”,祝您每天都有陽光般的好心情!期待您和小朋友們的再次光臨哦~
Adjacent Scenic Twin Room With Scenic Balcony
Bodde på feb. 2024
9 recension
Publicerades 10 apr. 2024
good service, clean and beautiful
Svar från boendet: 【羊駝餵養】【近工農橋】【網紅親子】非常感謝您給我們的5分好評。我們小管家真誠【貼心的服務】,希望您在蜜棠的每一天都像在家一樣温馨和親切,酒店有很多小童設施,很【適合親子】,我們室內有波波池,滑滑梯,轉轉椅,鋼琴,小童繪本,室外有泳池、沙池、鞦韆、敲擊琴、……【遊樂設施豐富】。蜜棠地處【十里畫廊】,出行周邊景區都比較方便,酒店對面就是大榕樹景區,離我們1公里就是工農橋,月亮山、金水巖、如意峯車程都15分鐘就能到,【交通非常便利】。酒店有免費停車場,還有免費的接駁車接送酒店到停車場的距離,停車場還有充電樁。每天有可口的早餐,還有免費下午茶和晚安甜品。六樓有免費的自助洗衣房,洗衣機、烘乾機、洗衣液、晾衣架都為家人們準備好,自助也可以如同在家一般方便哦。期待您和家人有空常回蜜棠~羊駝蜜蜜和糖糖等您哦!
fung kin hang
Youmu Forest Twin Room
Bodde på nov. 2023
4 recension
Publicerades 14 mars 2024
Nice service and facilities.
Svar från boendet: 【羊駝孔雀兔子餵養】【陽台河景房】【免費停車】親愛的蜜棠家人您好,非常感謝您的5星鼓勵。我們每一個蜜棠工作人員都是用十二分的熱情工作,期待給家人們帶來十分的滿意體驗。您能喜歡我們深感歡喜!酒店從早餐到下午茶和晚安甜品,都是每天新鮮製作,希望給家人們旅行中帶來一點甜蜜~真心把來到蜜棠的小、大朋友當作家人,希望來到蜜棠的大小朋友都能有個愉快的假期,把蜜棠當作陽朔的家!來蜜棠除了看羊駝,看孔雀,喂兔子,還可以盡情玩耍,我們有【波波池】、【滑滑梯】、【不倒翁椅】、【繪本】、【沙池】、【鞦韆】……總有一樣是小朋友喜歡的。非常期待您常回蜜棠這個温暖的家!祝您和家人生活愉快!
Svar från boendet: 親愛的劉女士您好,與您一家在這春暖花開的春季相遇,本就已經是件很美的事情。近日,天氣晴朗,萬物復甦,給人無限的喜悦和希望。小河邊,陽光下,無論是您靜坐冥想或是到院子裏小河邊垂釣,亦或是什麼也不做,就坐在院子裏看看河裡的魚兒嘻嘻,鴨子唱歌,不時對面大榕樹景區的人羣走過,都是一幅畫。蜜棠酒店在十里畫廊的村莊裡,到附近的景區遊玩非常方便,出行到周邊景區【交通非常方便】,附近的【景區和遊玩項目豐富】:大榕樹、月亮山、金水巖、如意峯、青厄渡碼頭、萬景碼頭、直升機、熱氣球、騎馬、探洞、攀巖……窗外是遇龍河的支流金寶河,對面是連綿起伏的青山,正所謂的綠水青山都可以透過一扇窗而擁有,真是遠山近水映入眼簾。酒店還為小朋友們特意設計了小童活動區一樓有波波池、滑梯、沙池、鞦韆等【小童遊樂設施】,還有繪本可以借閲,户外的露天泳池以及水上滑滑梯到夏天也是非常受歡迎的哦。小朋友們每天還可以和小動物們親密互動,我們有羊駝、孔雀河小白兔。感謝您對蜜棠酒店的喜愛與支持,期待您的再次光臨,祝生活愉快~