23 december 2023
両親の勧めで、露天風呂付きベッドのお部屋に泊まらせていただきました。久々の湯河原ですが、箱根、特に強羅周辺と比べるとアクセスもしやすいと改めて感じました。 椿の昔の漢字「海石榴」と書き、館内は海石榴の花のモチーフが至る所にあり、外のお庭にも沢山の種類の海石榴の木が植っています。 旅館入り口の外の道を上っていくと、川沿いに回遊路があります。足腰の悪い人には、ちょっとハードな坂道ですが、海石榴や、紅葉、桜の季節は見事なのだろうと想像します。あれだけ大きな回遊路を旅館の庭師の方が手入れをしていましたので、メンテナンスもよくされていると思います。 お部屋は広く、鯉のいる池とお庭の露天風呂もゆったりで温度も丁度良かったです。 ベッドも居心地よく枕を選べました。 朝夕の食事は料理長と私の好みが一緒なのか、全体的に薄味で上品な出汁と期待通りの美味しさでした。アメリカ人の夫にも、この美味しさが分かって欲しいと思いました。 中居さんのサービスも良かったです。夕食に残ったご飯でおにぎりを作っていただきました。 大浴場そばの、ラウンジでの日本酒飲み比べとハッゲンダッツアイスクリームも気分が上がり良かったです。 チャックアウトの際、お土産屋さんで買った品を貰い忘れ、家に戻ってから確かめる電話をしましたら、丁寧なお手紙と一緒に送っていただきました。 可愛い海石榴のコースターですが、大事に使わせていただきます。 ありがとうございました。 At my parents' recommendation, I stayed in a room with beds and an open-air bath. It's been a while since I've been to Yugawara, but I realized once again that it's easier to access than Hakone, especially the Gora area. The old kanji for flower, camellia is written as `sea pomegranate,'' and there are motifs of camellia flowers all over the hotel, and there are many types of camellia trees planted in the garden outside. If you go up the road outside the entrance of the inn, you will find a walking route along the river. It's a bit of a tough slope for people with bad legs, but I imagine it's spectacular during the season of camellia, autumn leaves, and cherry blossoms. I saw an inn's gardener taking care of such a large garden, it must be well maintained all year around. The room was spacious, and the koi pond and open-air bath in the garden were elegant and serene. The bath temperature was just right as well. The beds were comfortable and I had a choice of pillows. Perhaps the head chef and I have the same taste buds, wonderful "dashi" umami, and lightly salted meals of traditional Japanese "Kaiseki" dinner and breakfast were elegant and as delicious as I expected. It was a delighted experience for my American husband to share and understand this delicate taste. Nakai-san's service was also professional. It was very nice of her to have made a rice ball with the leftover rice from dinner. It was a nice extra touch to serve Japanese Sake and Haggen-Dazs ice cream in the lounge next to the grand bath. Sauna was hot and nice as well. When I checked out, I forgot to pick up the items I bought at the souvenir shop, so when I got home I called to check on it, and it was sent to me very next day along with a polite hand written letter. I highly recommend this Ryokan. Thank you very much.