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Deluxe Room - Mountain-View (2 beds)
Bodde på nov. 2023
12 recension
Publicerades 26 dec. 2023
We enjoyed staying at Crowne plaza .
Special mention to the Executive chef Scott Zhang who made sure we got our meals as how we wanted .The front office Paul Zhang and Joseph were really helpful.
The restaurant staff are really spot on too.
Breakfast was amazing ...a buffet with all sorts of food for the three days we stayed the food items were different. There's alacarte service for the rest of the day which is ok.
Very clean rooms and despite the temperature dip the room was heated well.
Enjoyed the skiing that's close to the hotel .Lots of activities to do.We couldn't ask for a better Christmas.
Will definitely recommend people with families to enjoy the hot tubs on the 10th floor after a day of skiing you can relax at the Steam and Sauna .
Great service and overall the Staff are well motivated.
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thanks for your choosing your stay and share your moment with us. Looking forward to see you soon in our hotel.Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort
Deluxe Room - Mountain-View (2 beds)
Bodde på nov. 2022
6 recension
Publicerades 30 dec. 2022
Good view good service
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thanks for your choosing Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort and sharing your stay experience with us. We will share this comment with other colleagues to create a better experience for you and more guests. Looking forward to seeing you in Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort!Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort
Djuanarto Adi
Deluxe Room - Mountain-View (Double bed)
Bodde på dec. 2022
2 recension
Publicerades 30 jan. 2023
I had the possibility to compare between holiday inn express and crown plaza
The higher price in comparison to Holiday Inn Express can be found in different case like room quality breakfast quality
One think can be improved when I stand on the balcony
It’s very strong smelling from KFC
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, thanks for your choosing Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort and Holiday Inn Express Chongli, and share your comments with us. For your mentioned strong smell, our hotel already make active efforts to promote an early resolution. Welcome to back again.Crowne Plaza Chongli Resort
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您選擇崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店並和我們分享您的入住體驗。能為您全家帶來一場温暖又驚喜的冬季度假之旅,是我們莫大的榮幸。Emily和前台團隊一直以貼心周到的服務為傲,您的認可讓我們倍感鼓舞,我們一定會將這份心意傳達給她!從房間升級到雪景陽台的浪漫,從豐盛早餐到滑雪場零距離的便捷,您對酒店細節的關注讓我們深感欣慰——無論是加濕器的準備、健身房的觀景設計,還是周邊雪場與美食的聯動體驗,都是我們為客人打造“如家般温暖”的用心之處。看到小朋友在雪場暢快玩耍、全家共享温馨時光的畫面,我們彷彿也感受到了那份純粹的快樂。您對淡季錯峯出遊的推薦,更是對我們“高性價比體驗”理念的最佳註解!期待在下一個雪季與您重逢,或是春夏時節帶您探索翠雲山的另一面美景!祝您闔家幸福,生活如冬日暖陽般燦爛!⛷️☀️崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您選擇崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店並和我們分享您的入住體驗。讀着您的文字彷彿重現了您在酒店的美好時光呢!從恆温的健身房到泡池的徹底放鬆,從衣帽間的科學收納到工作區的高效辦公,這正是我們想為商旅客人打造的'全能空間'。記得提前告知Dora您的到店時間,我們將繼續為您鎖定雪山景觀套房!洲際品質,永伴您馳騁雪場!崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您選擇崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店並和我們分享您的入住體驗。作為IHG洲際集團戰略合作伙伴,您兩次選擇的信任讓我們深感責任重大。Dora的‘全週期服務’(預訂前需求建檔-入住時動線優化-離店後體驗追蹤)正是集團金鑰匙服務標準的本地化實踐,期待您的下次光臨。崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您選擇崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店並和我們分享您的入住體驗。感謝您對我們酒店的高度評價!我們非常高興聽到您對設施、服務和早餐的滿意。前台小姐姐的熱情和專業是我們一直追求的標準,能夠為您升級房型並提供及時幫助是我們的榮幸。房間的設計和便利設施都是為了給客人帶來舒適的體驗,特別是窗台對着雪場的美景,希望為您留下了美好的回憶。我們期待您的再次光臨,繼續為您提供優質的服務和愉快的住宿體驗!如有任何需求或建議,隨時聯繫我們。祝您旅途愉快!崇禮翠雲山皇冠假日度假酒店