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Deluxe Double Bed Room (Smart Guest Control + Latex Mattress + Smart Toilet)
Bodde på juli 2024
25 recension
Publicerades 12 aug. 2024
The price is worth it, location is good depending on which area you are willing and actually conducting your business. It’s clean, service are wonderful, comprehensive and very friendly. Totally recommendable. Thanks
Svar från boendet: Hello, thank you very much for your support and recognition of our hotel in all aspects. It is an honor for our hotel, and it also provides us with great motivation to innovate and improve in our future services. Thank you again for your affirmation of the hotel. I look forward to your coming again and wish you a happy life.
Ali Khalefa
Deluxe Double Bed Room (Smart Guest Control + Latex Mattress + Smart Toilet)
Bodde på juli 2023
54 recension
Publicerades 24 aug. 2023
Very new clean place and as always in China the people so nice and kind
It’s new comfortable hotel with all needed facilities
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, hello! It seems that you are also a "urban upstart" with requirements for quality of life and details! It's really fate to meet you at the Wenmiao Subway Store in Xi'an Deluxe Zhengzhou. Xi'an Deluxe Hotel is a French style elegant boutique business hotel created for the pursuit of revered and socially settled urban upstarts. To allow more people to taste the "French" lifestyle of the upstart, art and life are linked here. Looking forward to your visit again!
Deluxe Double Bed Room (Smart Guest Control + Latex Mattress + Smart Toilet)
Bodde på juni 2023
Res med vänner
1 recension
Publicerades 30 juli 2023
Good services and resonable price
Clean and modernise room
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, hello! It seems that you are also a "urban upstart" with requirements for quality of life and details! It's really fate to meet you at the Wenmiao Subway Store in Xi'an Deluxe Zhengzhou. Xi'an Deluxe Hotel is a French style elegant boutique business hotel created for the pursuit of revered and socially settled urban upstarts. To allow more people to taste the "French" lifestyle of the upstart, art and life are linked here. Looking forward to your visit again!
Deluxe Double Bed Room (Smart Guest Control + Latex Mattress + Smart Toilet)
Bodde på maj 2023
19 recension
Publicerades 29 juni 2023
They helped me do the laundry - very nice!
Svar från boendet: Dear guests, it's an honour to help you. This is what we should do. Thank you very much for your recognition and praise. Looking forward to your next visit.
Deluxe Double Bed Room (Smart Guest Control + Latex Mattress + Smart Toilet)
Bodde på okt. 2023
51 recension
Publicerades 14 nov. 2023
So far ok, quite nice
Svar från boendet: Thank you for your praise, your recognition is our greatest honor, but also give us a great motivation, let us continue to improve in the future service, innovation, looking forward to your visit again, we will be happy to serve you
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的賓客您好!非常感謝您入住我們酒店並提出相關意見。關於您反饋的衞生問題我們已反饋給相關部門領導,續住衞生問題我們也已上報,深感抱歉,給您添麻煩了。後期酒店一定會加強培訓管理,以保證品質衞生和服務質量給賓客帶來最優的服務感受,歡迎督導。再次感謝您的入住,祝您天天好心情~~~
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的劉女士:您好!對於入住期間的經歷我們深表遺憾。您在我們家住了三天,入住期間並未過反饋過任何問題,離店後向平台投訴了:您下午五點出門有給前台反饋不做續住衞生,我們給您打掃了,您床上有私密物品,貴重物品。首先我還原一下我們溝通過程,入住第一天中午前台給您致電問您是否續住,打掃衞生,您回覆的不用🙂,然後第一天就沒給您打掃。第二天您就直接下了訂單,到下午五點您出門從前台經過,衹要求了我們工作人員幫您刷下房卡,並未告知不做衞生的情況。(前台都是聲控監控,根據您的反饋我們還調取了酒店的監控設備去還原當時情況)我給您解釋了:在您有特殊需要房間有不做打掃的情況下,在入住的第一天應該去告知酒店,我們絕對不會進您的房間,這樣也能避免其他後續的這些不愉快!您反問:我沒説讓你們打掃你們為什麼要打掃我的房間?我給您解釋:酒店是有自己的規章制度,客人沒有特殊交代是需要做衞生的, 您住三天,外賣等其他垃圾也是需要幫您清理的。您還是説:我沒有要求給我打掃衞生。我問您的訴求是什麼,您説:要求退還房費,不然就給我們差評要挾。在這裏我給您做了其他補償方案,您不認可,導致我們沒有一個有效的溝通,也是真的很抱歉。
Svar från boendet: 親愛的賓客您好:感謝您花費寶貴的時間讓我們瞭解到您的入住體驗,對於您本次入住體驗造成不悦,我們深感抱歉。視頻顯示某房間客人12:30出房門,12:32進房門,歡迎您到店一起觀看視頻回顧當晚事實。首先1.我們與某房間客人聯繫原話是有顧客反映並不是投訴,前台有音頻監控我們也聽了當班人員與客人聯繫的溝通原話,並非您以上説。2.我們也反覆看了聽了當時間段的音頻監控客人開門進門2分鐘,他並不知道是那個房間反映的,怎麼會存在辱罵您。今日您聯繫攜程訴求想要免單,最後協商給您減免部分房費,是誠懇感謝您認可選擇入住我們酒店。再次感謝您花費寶貴時間讓我們瞭解到您的入住體驗,我們會更加嚴格要求自己,持續不斷做好服務細節。