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Läge och interiör4.7
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Lycklig familjerum
Bodde på okt. 2024
3 recension
Publicerades 18 nov. 2024
Friendly staff. Room is spacious and clean, bathroom is clean and beds are soft.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest.Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to write such a wonderful review and give us a perfect score. We are delighted that you were so satisfied with the facilities and hygiene of our hotel rooms and the excellent customer service. We strive to provide all our guests with a memorable stay and are delighted to hear your comments. We look forward to welcoming you back again next time.Sincerely.IHG Social Listening Team
Deluxe sjöutsikt Queen rum
Bodde på nov. 2023
15 recension
Publicerades 2 jan. 2024
Staff is accommodating and we got a very nice lake view. The surrounding place is quiet and serene.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest:Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to give us a wonderful review and a perfect score. We are delighted that you were pleased with the location of our hotel, the quiet surroundings and the excellent customer service we provide. We strive to provide a memorable experience for all our guests and it is always a pleasure to hear when we have. We look forward to seeing you again on your next visit.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
Lucia Benito
Deluxe sjöutsikt Queen rum
Bodde på mars 2024
2 recension
Publicerades 8 apr. 2024
Everything great . I wish the basic breakfast for non Chinese is available: wheat bread and bacon. Although as an asian, i like the sauteed veges so still great.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest, Thank you for staying at our hotel and sharing this valuable review. We are honored that the hotel's breakfast is recognized by you. We have both Chinese and Western breakfasts, as well as local specialties. We look forward to having you back again.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
saba rizwan
Rum Queen med utsikt över staden
Bodde på jan. 2025
30 recension
Publicerades 9 feb. 2025
Good but before it was excellent
Svar från boendet: Dear guest,Thank you for your candid review. We sincerely apologize that your recent stay did not meet your expectations. We greatly appreciate the feedback you provided and will share this information with our team to improve our services. We earnestly hope that we will have the opportunity to welcome you back to our hotel in the future, so that we can offer you a better service. We look forward to your next visit.Sincerely, IHG Social Listening Team
Queen heir
Rum Queen med utsikt över staden
Bodde på nov. 2023
6 recension
Publicerades 1 feb. 2024
The place is comfortable and spacious. The staffs are nice and friendly. The hotel is convenient.
Svar från boendet: Dear Guest:Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to give us a wonderful review and a perfect score. We are delighted that you were pleased with the location of our hotel, the room amenities and the excellent customer service we provide. We strive to provide a memorable experience for all our guests and it is always a pleasure to hear when we have. We look forward to seeing you again on your next visit!Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
2-bäddsrum med stadsutsikt
Bodde på jan. 2024
4 recension
Publicerades 11 feb. 2024
Great location by the lake, perfect amenities, good breakfast.
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, thank you very much for your review of our hotel. We are pleased to hear that you have enjoyed a pleasant accommodation experience. This is also the greatest pride of our employees, so your feedback is important to us. We look forward to your next visit. Sincerely, IHG Social Listening Team
Rum Queen med utsikt över staden
Bodde på juni 2023
14 recension
Publicerades 24 juli 2023
Very good hotel
Svar från boendet: Dear guest: Thank you for staying at our hotel and sharing your valuable time with us. I am glad to see that you have had a great time here. We strive to provide unforgettable experiences for all guests, and sometimes we are always happy to hear their voices. We look forward to seeing you again on your next visit. Have a nice day! Sincere IHG Social Listening Team
Anonym användare
Rum Queen med utsikt över staden
Bodde på feb. 2022
2 recension
Publicerades 3 mars 2022
Andy daisy
Svar från boendet: Dear guest, Thank you very much for the comments you shared. We are delighted to know that you had an excellent stay at our hotel and many thanks for your positive comments, they really are motivating for the whole team! We hope to have you back into our hotel in the near future. Best regards, IHG Social Listening Team
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您鄭州之行攜家人入住我們酒店。從您預訂的那一刻起,我們的服務就已為您開啟,您的喜好,您的需求,我們全力滿足,衹希望您的旅行因小智而充滿舒適和愉悦。酒店位於鄭東新區平安大道190號,餐飲,娛樂,購物等設施齊全,四周環境優美,交通便利,距地鐵1號線約10分鐘的步行路程,周邊有多個知名高校和醫院;提供免費的地下停車場,可坐電梯直達酒店大堂。真誠期待您再次入住,祝您旅途愉快!闔家幸福安康!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,非常開心能夠得到您這麼高度的稱讚,每每這樣的時刻,也是我們作為服務工作者感到最驕傲的時刻,相遇是如此美好,我們十分珍惜!酒店遵循智選假日品牌的理念,以優惠親民的價格提供整潔又可靠的居停環境,熱情又高效的專業服務,還有暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、免費的中西式自助早餐、免費停車場,充電樁等增值服務,做好您旅途中堅強的後盾支援。期待您再次光臨,繼續為您的旅程增添美好回憶,祝您和家人新年快樂!幸福安康!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您入住鄭州龍子湖智選假日酒店,並給予房間設施和性價比的肯定。對於親子出遊的家庭,酒店推出了家庭房,您所入住的房間面積高達58平方米,兩個卧室,一張1.8米的大床,一張1.2米單人床,相信可以帶給您和小朋友輕鬆自在的睡眠體驗。此外,還提供,小帳篷,木馬,玩偶,多種趣味玩具,在寓教於樂中,讓您和寶貝度過歡樂的親子時光。感謝您對於腳踩凳的良好建議,我們會入住記錄並反饋給相關部門,在之後的調整中做重要參考。衷心期待您的再次入住,祝您闔家幸福美滿!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 親愛的客人您好,感謝您入住鄭州龍子湖智選假日酒店,並與百忙之中抽出時間提供的入住體驗分享。正如您所體驗到的,我們一直為客人提供熱情周到的服務,乾淨整潔的衞生環境,齊全的配套設施,從而帶給您完美的入住享受。我們酒店位於鄭東新區平安大道190號,緊鄰太格茂商場、時光裏購物中心,周邊環繞多個知名高校,交通便利,距地鐵1號線約10分鐘的步行路程。距離龍子湖700多米,優美的環境很適合運動、拍照打卡喲,用細節打造經典是我們的宗旨,再次感謝您的五星好評;期待您的下次光臨!祝您笑口常開!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,此次與您不期而遇,感謝這份緣分,我們會倍加珍借。我們一直致力於為客人提供高品質的住宿體驗,讓您在旅途中感受到無微不至的關懷和貼心服務。前台員工始終以熱情、專業的態度為客人提供高效、貼心的服務。我們會將您的反饋分享給整個團隊,以激勵大家繼續努力提升服務質量。真誠期盼您的再次光臨,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住鄭州龍子湖智選假日酒店。酒店位於龍子湖大學城,緊鄰太格茂商場、時光裏購物中心,距離距地鐵1號線約10分鐘的步行路程,交通便利,相信還是可以滿足客人的出行、日常消費等需求。早餐方面,我們酒店是根據智選假日品牌早餐的標準提供給入住的客人,以及鄭州本地特色等,很抱歉未能達到您的理想期待,在這方面我們也會和相關部門溝通,增加早餐的種類,豐富早餐的選擇,滿足更多客人的需求。關於洗衣機洗衣液少的問題,我們會反饋給酒店前台進行改正。感謝您的意見,期待您的再次蒞臨,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Svar från boendet: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住鄭州龍子湖智選假日酒店。對於親子出遊的家庭,酒店推出了家庭房,您所入住的房間面積高達58平方米,兩個卧室,一張1.8米的大床,一張1.2米單人床,相信可以帶給您和小朋友輕鬆自在的睡眠體驗。此外,還提供,小帳篷,玩偶,多種趣味玩具,在寓教於樂中,讓您和寶貝度過歡樂的親子時光。期待在以後的旅途中能與您常相伴。祝您一切順心!闔家歡樂! 智選假日賓客關懷團隊